just trying to compile some of the information I've seen into one place. we'll continue to update as we find more...
Ahmadinejad's blog is loading very slowly... but there is some really interesting stuff there if you have the patience. The right-hand column contains comments from his supporters - either cherry picked from the actual comments he's receiving or completely contrived and fictional. For example:
Greetings Your Excellency I see that the American Military is playing the Lets Blame Iran game. Iran is apparently the reason why things are so bad in Iraq. Do the Americans think that we are all crazy and will believe their continuous lies. Will it ever end.
Dear and honorable president my lasts comments not was pubblied and i admire you why this? Are messages too much for show all? Long life to you and Iran and all country that no like death but life.
- Rivolta in Iran blog has links to Iran protest torrents. A great compilation of all video comming out of the protests so far. They are asking that you download and seed.
- The live blog on The Huffington Post has been a constant and reliable source of information about the protests.
- The independent Iranian-American blog, niacINsight, has a lot of great information and is being reliably updated as well. Huffpost references it quite a bit.
- This is a very terrible and explicit video on Facebook of a woman having been shot and killed, apparently by the Basiji. This is very explicit and difficult to watch.
- There is a ton of interesting information about the "election" on wikipedia. Editing of the article has been restricted for obvious reasons.
- There are additional links at the top of our left-hand column.
Crowds apparently chanting "Marg Bar Khameini" (death to Khameini) shows the shift from violent protest to all out uprising:
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