I mean, there is no swine without wine... What kind of turd can't tell the difference between someone with flu and a sick drunkard? Am I wrong here, or just an asshole?
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Can one drink Swine?
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
The whole world is watching?
Naked Wizard Tased By Reality from Tracy Anderson on Vimeo.
How could this happen at a big corporate sponsored love fest?
Friday, April 24, 2009
In case you missed it, K.O. calls Hannity's bluff
Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Thursday, April 23, 2009
I have searched all of the Internet(s) tubes
This is easily the best site I have found. I don't know what to say about it, but it had to be brought to your attention.
Nikolai Volkoff-This pro wrestling legend is available for motivational speaking, autograph signings, and pro wrestling events.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Warning: Avoid Steve Wilkos
I am home sick today and had the misfortune of Steve Wilkos exposure, and my condition is quickly heading south.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Drive By Tea Party Rant
The lead story for much of the business day today on FOXNews.com was this whiner. These uptight sore losers are saying they are ticked that so many news outlets mocked the T.E.A. Party with teabagging jokes. The underlying message is they don't take you seriously at all. This "so called" grass roots movement did more to snarl traffic than it ever will to change government. Perhaps people would respect this movement if the ones perpetrating this fiasco hadn't been the ones that so fervently supported rampant spending for the past 8 years. We flushed away billions a month on bullshit ideas that didn't work. We funded bullshit projects that served the few and ignored the many. Americans were pissed off and they changed the government by electing Obama. Now, if you want to radically change the government procurement process, I'd say it's long overdue. We blow more cash on dumb things than an 18 year old with their first credit card. Any red blooded American can use the Freedom of Information Act to see just how tax dollars are being spent (if you are very patient). If they did actually take the time to research this, we'd have a coup d'etat by the end of the month. The truth is most of these sad sacks who took the day off work to piss and moan have no fucking clue what they are talking about. Don't believe me? Read the "talk back" section and count the number of times you read the words "liberal" and "socialism." But complaining NOW about how much the government is spending is pretty telling. These people never felt the need to bitch while the GOP was running things and looking back, it seems all they did was spend. To what achievement, I have no clue. Ask a Halliburton stock holder. They might know. Point being. This protest was about as effective as a wet fart and the Republican Party had better come up with something better if they want to regain power any time soon. They come off like cry-babies, which is sad because they have some good points to be made. The message gets distorted and becomes white static.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Jihad on Love
Love... L'amour... That uncontrollable flame that comes out of nowhere and shakes the foundations of rational thought. That unquenchable desire to spend every waking moment with the object of our affection. That unpredictable emotion that drives us to actions and thoughts that bewilder even oursleves. It gives us shortness of breath and flutters in our stomachs. In severe cases of love, one may be convinced to willingly attend a Michael Bolton concert.
It raises us up. It tears us down. And in Afghanistan, it will fucking kill you. Two unfortunate souls in rural Afghanistan (better known as Talibanistan) were hunted down and killed because they had the audacity to try to elope. They wanted to run off and make a new life for themselves in the safe haven of Iran (am I the only one that finds that scary?), but their parents had a shit fit when they caught wind of the plot and before long, the Taliban was there to punish them under sharia law (who died and made them Allah?). I'd rather my daughter run off and marry someone without my consent then have her hunted down and executed, but that's just me.
On the topic of sharia law, Pakistan also recently felt it prudent to approve sharia law in the Taliban infested Swat Valley (this is actually a beautiful place and was THE tourist destination in Pakistan as recently as 2005. Today.. not so much). It's a spineless move that was made to try to keep the temporary peace in a volatile land. Maybe the US will finally do what it shoulda done 8 years ago and knock these fuckers out of power, but in the meantime, women can look forward to being raped and beaten, young girls can look forward to that too, but they also get the knowledge that they have absolutely no chance of bettering themselves and breaking this ludicrous cycle as they will have no access to any education whatsoever. Allah likes his women dumb and covered from head to toe. Or so a certain genocidal shadow government would have you believe.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Can Glenn Be Charged For This?
Apparently Glenn Beck's douchebaggery almost killed a man on his own show. See below:
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Jeb, Hannity and Salvation
Easter is a time for rebirth, guilt and eggs. No doubt, Sean Hannity, a bible thumper who beats his chest in promo spots that he vigorously studied Theology in college (though he dropped out of two NY universities and has, to date, only earned "honorary degrees" from brilliant minds like Jerry Falwell) is glad handing it in some church today and spreading his own gospel on the state of American affairs. His latest effort is "6 Ideas to Save America." Where were these great ideas 5 years ago when we REALLY needed to be saved from ourselves?
It's all rhetoric. Jeb says, "Conservatives need to be on the cutting edge of reform" Hannity says we need to break the "unholy alliance between Democrats and teacher's unions." If only ALL Americans were Conservative.. this problem would be fixed already. Getting advice from the close minded and the uneducated on how to "save" education in America is like getting marriage advice from Liz Taylor.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
28th Amendment to the U.S. Consitution:
Repeal the 22nd Amendment. We got our guy. He is not perfect, yet, but at 47 and with less than three months in office he looks like he could be The One. He is like Lebron James half way through his rookie year. (Or for Puddy, some good turd with a stick that hits and catches balls).
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Gun Control and Abortion: My Solution
I feel very strongly that abortion should be legal and that all guns should be 100% banned. However, there seems to be an increase in fire arm shootings as the economy has tanked and gun sales have sored.
Friday, April 3, 2009
The Friday Top 5!!!!!!
OK, so last week's Friday Top 5!!!!!! went better than expected. Enough of you decided to humor me that we were actually able to compile The Top 5!!!!!! things we like about the republican party. Heck of a challenge to start with.
This week's Friday Top 5!!!!!! topic:
There's just too much crap being called music these days... and that's exactly what my parents told me as I sat in front of MTV watching RATT, Devo, Van Halen, and .38 special videos. MTV might of killed the radio star, but American Idol is pretty much destroying everything in its path... I digress.
Top 5, desert island lists are played... what are your 5 least favorite bands of all time? Let's see if you can do it without using Styx, Emerson Lake & Palmer, and ABBA.
(Sal, if you mention Steely Dan, you're off the blog)
Have a nice weekend.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
What kind of sick, demented, terminator-robot-fetishistic, or fetish fish stick, kind of bullshit do they have time for in Japan in the middle of a worldwide economic holocaust? Those fuckers at Honda are using mind-control on robots??!! Rest assured, our government, always one step ahead of our friends to the east, has been perfecting the use of mind-control on humans. And sure enough, evil little minions in San Francisco are playing the home game. Is it just a coincidence that the first trials against the Khmer Rouge began this week? What are the chances we'll see some of our friends on trial in 30 years?
You got to move yourself to the music....
Hip Hop is the new recruitment tool for terrorists. I can't wait until the bastards turn to metal!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Caption This Photo
What a boring April Fool's day. Even Google's silly larks don't do it for me anymore.
Conficker is a bust, the Republicans are attempting to make a departure from their comedic roots, and let's face it: the NCAA tournament is fucking boring.
Make with the baseball already.
Update: Punctuating a completely pointless day, here's Penn Jillette saying absolutely nothing in just 996 words! Why do I even try?