Bad Signs, Cont.
There’s no doubt about any of our reputations, so I guess we gotta get this
party started somewhere else, Scissorheads!
8 hours ago
gawker has a nice breakdown of what o'reilly edited out of his john stewart interview.
it's amazing to me how stewart can just demolish people.
see what you can do when you actually give a shit about what you're saying?
o'reilly's people followed up the interview by posting their response on the fox website... that's right, fox news posted o'reilly's rebuttal online since the geek wasn't able to think for himself.
among the retard mess of brain-vommit:
For 13 years, liberal America has been frustrated with Fox News because we are the first TV news operation in history that actually gives conservatives and traditional Americans a voice. I mean, look at the roster: Walter Cronkite, Dan Rather, Bill Moyers, Ted Koppel, Tom Brokaw, all lean left, and these are the biggest names in broadcast journalism history.