Just when you thought it was safe to be optimistic.. A Russian professor is predicting the US will dissolve itself within the next two years surrendering to the weight of mass immigration and an "economic and moral collapse." He also predicts the US dollar will soon be worthless and the country is on the brink of it's second civil war. In this scenario, California will become the center of the California Republic, mostly under the influence or control of the Chinese. Texas will form the center of the Texas Republic which will largely under the influence or control of Mexico. The New York/Washington D.C. area will form the nucleus of Atlantic America (Yanks and Sox fans living together?), which could eventually join the EU. Canada is expected to annex the Central North American Republic and Alaska will fall under the rule of Mother Russia (much to Joe Six-Pack's dismay). Japan also gets the last laugh by taking over Hawaii. This guy is for real and he is getting handjobs galore at the Kremlin which has been drumming up this type of anti-American crap to levels not seen since the Miracle on Ice. What's scary is more and more people are taking this guy seriously. I see some major flaws in this guy's thinking, most notably that we will endure a second civil war. Americans have become too complacent and lazy to mount any sort of real offensive that takes them, say, outside of their front yard. Boris also neglects to address the fact that this new Divided States of WhatUsedToBeAmerica would, by definition, destroy the NFL, and there's no way we'd allow that to happen. I know times are tough. But America is still the leader of the free world. If the US could survive the Bush Administration, we withstand this guy's doomsday prophecy. The one argument he makes that I do kinda agree with is that Obama is not a miracle worker. For the US to truly rise to greatness again, we need to start making changes in our own lives for the betterment of the masses (even the asshole down the street with a Bush/Cheney '04 bumper sticker). Obama cannot create miracles, but he can inspire people to do that which they would not ordinarily do. Hope is much harder to create than fear, and far more powerful.
Monday, December 29, 2008
The Dismantling of the US? Nyet!!!!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Doing little to stop people from thinking they are a bunch of uptight racists. The ultimate stocking stuffer is a severed foot (R.I.P. Mitch), not a politically charged holiday cd. (But really, with a name like Chip Saltsman, aren't your options limited?)
updated: sounds like something Karl Rove wrote while taking a shit.
Maryland Teen Doing More For Darfur Than US Government
The struggle in Darfur is so depressing, most people simply don't discuss it. It briefly penetrates the collective conscience of Americans in bumper stickers and shamelessly in a Jonas Brothers photo op (as if hordes of screaming pre-pubescent girls can stop genocide). Then it is replaced by some other distraction. Maybe a sports event or game show. But not for 17 year old Spencer Brodsky, who read the tragic stories about women being raped and murdered while leaving their makeshift homes to gather firewood (yes, it gets cold there too). Seeing as wood is not plentiful in the desert, he decided to raise money for fuel efficient stoves to be shipped to Darfur, enabling these women to remain in their homes for far greater periods of time. To the average American, this may seem like a miniscule effort, but most Americans don't fear leaving the house because they might very well be killed or at least attacked. It just goes to show that creative thinking can in some way protect these women from thousands of miles away.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Please be courteous to other movie goers by keeping quiet during the film. Or this might happen.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Muhammad's Filter
Somewhere the word of Allah got derailed and perverted into a method of mental torture and control. I don't believe the Qu'uran actually says that educating females is against Islamic teachings and spreads vulgarity in society, but I sure as shit am not gonna tell that to the Taliban. Those fuckers are CRAZY!!! (I also surmise that the prophet Muhammad never would condone the countless documented occurances of gang rape and murder of girls under the age of 17). Now the Taliban is broadcasting from mosques across Afghanistan that if girls schools are not shut down nationwide, they are to be targeted for destruction (and anyone in the way will be disposed of). The poor women of Afghanistan have no voice that is heard by politicians foreign or domestic. Keeping them uneducated is a deliberate tactic to keep them submissive and without hope. These people need to be stopped.
Happy Boxing Day!
Since Dick Cheney cancelled xmas and dissecting the Bush pardons started getting the blood pressure up (some guy served 37 years for conspiring to buy marijuana.. must've been some shipment), I decided to give a nod to the underappreciated (certainly by Sal) sport of hockey. Enjoy John Tavares of Team Canada at the World Juniors Tournament!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
As the Taliban Turns
On September 12th, 2001 I had a strong suspicion that the US military was going to take out the Taliban in Afghanistan and smoke out Osama bin Laden who was the catalyst for the 9/11 attacks. Well, we kinda sorta took out the Taliban for a while and installed Hamid Karzai (Sarah Palin's BFF as a certain photo op would lead you to believe) as a figurehead for the new government we could create the illusion of controlling. After we outsourced bin Laden's capture at Tora Bora (a miserable failure), we turned the bulk of our attention to the real enemy (?) Saddam Hussein. Even with Hussein caught and executed, we are spending most of our time and money in Iraq, for obvious reasons. Well, fret not, true patriotic Americans (barf). We're going back in! Well not, really. We're just spending money to fund miltants who don't like the Taliban (because they fuck with their heroin and marijuana trafficking). Unfortunately, about 75% of Afghanistan, especially the rugged and remote parts of the country, are subject to the Taliban and their brutal interpretation of Shariah Law. A hot topic at home now as well with AIG under the bailout microscope for promoting Shariah Law as an incentive for policy holders. While you may have missed some of the recent highlights the Taliban has carried out, like paying people to throw acid on young women who have the audacity to attend school in Kabul or attacking NATO supply convoys, the fact remains, they are an entity we absolutely must contend with. At some point, at least. As always, please take the time to visit www.rawa.org for the straight poop on how good dogs and livestock have it in Afghanistan. And stay tuned. The bullshit machine is just getting warm and W still has a few more weeks to screw things up even more.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Hey! No Fair!
So now the Bush Administration is in a tiff because the New York Times is trying to assign a chunk of the blame for the current economic clusterfuck on his administration. No "gotcha media" or "liberal slant" can unravel time to place the blame for this anywhere else, but at his doorstep. Sorry. The cupboard was stocked better than any incumbent had ever welcomed it (of course, it was reserved for Al Gore, but I refuse to go there). Now, even the cupboard is gone (and the Saudis can't bail out the whole country, right?). Jumping into an ill-advised "War of Choice" that cost hundreds of billions and thousands of lives, hasn't helped things. People blame you for everything that goes wrong with their lives anyway, Georgie! Suck it up and take this one on the chin too. You've earned it.
VP pissing match
Darth Cheney mentions in a back and forth between he and VP elect Biden that the President doesn't require any permission to "launch the kind of devastating attack the world has never seen."
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Hasta la vista, baby!
While Al Franken, still fighting his political battle in Minnesota (where even this guy can elected) finds himself ahead by roughly 100 votes based on the latest tally, I was reminded of why it can be dumb to elect people based on popularity when looking at the economic debacle in California. And all it took for him to get to where he is was bullshit like this..
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
We're taking five....
...We will be back sometime between now and then, no later than Jan 6, 2009. See ye then:
PS- If you can think of a more deserving Turd of the Year than the entire Palin family, please share your thoughts with us here.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Don't ruin Christmas, lefty...
A Washington based artist will have an ornament hanging from the White House Christmas tree. Artist Deborah Lawrence used this as an opportune moment to point out that Bush is a criminal that should have been impeached and imprisoned long ago. This point is further exemplified by the fact that the ball will still hang from the true, showing again how inept this administration is, right down to the Jesus sapling!
The worst part is Ms. Lawrence's actions have made some people sad:
Sally McDonough, the first lady's press secretary, said yesterday that hundreds
of ornaments were submitted for display and there were no plans to pull
Lawrence's artwork or her invitation. But, she said, "it really is too bad. I
haven't seen the ornament, but I would hope that no one would take this as an
opportunity to be divisive and partisan. There is a time and place for
everything, and I don't think this is either."
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I'll never hit a woman..
..but I'll smack the shit out of 'em. Why is this dumb bitch still talking?
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Adopt a Country: The Maldives
The Economist last week (though I just got mineices of in the mail yesterday) published what was perhaps one of the best peices writting I have come across in many a long day. The Maldives need a new home. Check it out:
It’s a buyer’s market in property these days; and, if the Maldivians are looking for an island, Iceland is said to be going cheap. But they may be spoilt for choice: think of all the tiresome bits of territory that other countries would like to offload. The snooty English, for instance, have long disparaged Wales, which they caricature unfairly as being populated mostly by Methodist preachers and disaffected sheep. It might be a challenge to persuade the Maldivians to swap their palm-fringed paradise for Llandudno pier on a wet Sunday afternoon; still, a bit of adroit marketing, focusing on the height of the hills, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Anthony Hopkins (both sadly no longer resident) might do the trick.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
We will return shortly:
We here at iE are on a very brief hiatus recovering from a horrific election hangover. In the meantime, please enjoy the following content:
WARNING: Graffic!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Food Chain
I typically loathe reality tv. But I really got caught up on this new show that has an environmentally conscious message.
Japan has had a long history of killing whales for profit. Even though commercial whaling has been outlawed for over 20 years, Japan continues to kill whales by using loopholes which justify its practice. And who's to stop them from trolling frigid Antarctic waters seeking their blubbery prize? The US government? Only if they could find oil fields at the bottom of the frozen sea.
No, this task is left to treehuggers with little to no experience. Which is why I fear I may be hooked on Animal Planet's: Whale Wars. While Captain (and conservationist) Paul Watson has been fighting this battle for 30 years, much of the crew signed on because their environmentally aware guilt led them here. Some of them are clearly in over their head. While I am truly interested in this cause (because if the whales go, all life in the ocean could die, and if the ocean dies, we're next), I am finding myself fascinated with these bleeding heart renegades and their realization that they are not going back to port any time soon. The "seemed like a good idea at the time" epiphanies are true reality tv entertainment in it's basest form. This show carries a powerful message and is far grittier than say, Rock of Love with Bret Michaels. Please take the time to check it out or risk being labeled a whale hating nazi. Here's a glimpse:
Monday, November 17, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Monica Spewinsky, Portapotty Bush, Joe the Spy, Sara Phalin and the New Republic
Yay. The balance of power has shifted to the Dems again. But why did they lose power in the first place? From 1991 to 2000, the U.S. experienced 37 quarters of economic expansion. The longest period of expansion on record. Why wasn't that enough to maintain the power?
Oh yeah. I remember now. It was the dress. The blue one with the big white stain. The one once worn by a Republican spy who was very clever and crafty with Bill and little Billy. If it wasn't for that dirty rag surfacing from the depths of the Republihell party, Bill would have gotten away with ADULTERY. The public thought, could there be anything worse? There was no way whatsoever that any self respecting Republican could bring himself to vote for Slick Willy's partner Gore after that stunt. No way, no how. Not even if it meant extending the longest period of expansion on record.
By the time the infamous presidential election of 2000 came along, we were a very divided nation. Portapotty Bush ran a dirty campaign. Al Gore appeared more robot than man to the public. It was a very very close election, but Al Gore won. He did it. The prosperity would continue. But wait. More espionage. There were hanging chads, pregnant chads, and other funky chads in Florida. And in the end Portapotty Bush was inaugurated president of the United States of America. The Repblicans out spied the Democrats and they regained power of the most powerful nation on Earth. Of course they had another spy in place, just in case Jeb couldn't come through for his brother. His name is Joe the Spy, AKA Joe Lieberman.
If you take the frost (ber) out of Joe's name, his true identity appears, Joe Lie-Man. Imagine if Joe the Spy had gotten into the white house. I know it's a crazy thought. But just as crazy, this traitor openly supported John McTurd, spread lies about Barack Obama, hoped to become McTurd's running mate, and still holds subpoena power to investigate the Obama administration as chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. McTurd has fully outed Joe the Spy as his hero Cheney had done to one of our CIA operatives. We must strip Joe the Spy from his leadership positions within the Democratic party.
Electing Obama was a huge step for our nation, but there is still a lot of work to do. It is crazy that the Portapotty Bush Administration has not received any real consequences for their heinous crimes against our country, the world, and humanity as a whole. But I guess our electorate does not think that their acts are as bad as lying about adultery. Here are some of the things that we know so far and the current administration has never been impeached. The administration lied about ousting one of our CIA's operatives, mislead the nation to rally support for an unjustified war, implemented a domestic spy program, completely deregulated corporate America, rose our national debt to almost 11 trillion dollars. I'll stop here because there are just so many things. You get the idea. The only good thing that has come out of this is that Sarah Phalin is the new face of the Republihell party.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Whats going on Down Under???
![Check Spelling](http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif)
Tony Fox, the owner of the resort said he was lifting the self-imposed ban
as "tough economic times call for stiff measures".
*UPDATE* I'm all set. Room for one at the White Cockatoo March 10-15, 2009. They have WiFi. I will be live blogging.
Today, We are all Georgians: John McTurd Redux
I don't feel like discussing the 2012 election. Instead I will focus on campaign 2008, which is still ongoing. As most of you are probably aware, three senate seats are still out there, and the possibility of a 60+ Dem filibuster proof majority is very much alive.
Alaska is looking more and more like a Dem victory each hour. Minnesota has yet to enter an official recount, but Al is gaining, and is only about 200 votes behind with roughly 3,000,000 votes out there that have to be manually recounted.
Then there is Georgia. No, not the country near that country that Palin can see from her bath tub. I'm talking about the province of Georgia in the southeastern United States. 6 years ago (when most Americans thought it was a good idea to support W. and invade sovereign nations that did not attack us) Max Cleland, a triple amputee from the Vietnam War was painted as "palling around with terrorists" by now Senator Chambliss. Check out the ad from 2002:
Now Chambliss is in a run off election for his seat and the following ad, featuring Palin's running mate is being aired. Watch McTurd eat it yet again:
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Cindy McCain Cheats--John McCain Snores
The Enquirer claims that the spit swapping lady above is none other than the taxidermied princess-bride herself: Cindy McCain. My first guess was that she was cheating with Alaska's first dude, but according to the enquirer, the guy looks more like "a washed up 80's musician" then a washed up 80's musician's roadie. Then I was hoping it would be Donnie Van Zant from .38 Special, but no luck there either.
What a shitty month for McTurd--and it's only the 12th.
First you lose all the credibility you have ever earned by running one of the most dishonest, mean spirited and divisive campaigns of the modern era. Then you lose an election by over 150 electoral votes to a guy that a third of the country thinks has Osama Bin Laden for a biological father. Then you find out your millionaire porcelain wife--with whom you have a signed a prenuptial agreement-- is cheating on you with some second rate Kenny Loggins clone.
Maybe you should just retire like most people your age that still have a pension.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Rubbing it in the Bastards Faces
I know it is counter productive to gloat- but damn it feels great! I still have my 2 Obama yard signs up, the sticker in the window, and both bumper stickers on the car. I want the McBastards to feel like shit every time they see me or my home. I recognize that this is immature, and possibly dangerous. However, after a stolen election in 2000 and the bruit criminality of the entire Bush Presidency, I want them to eat it--early and often.
When should this stop? Any of you in the same boat?
2012: A Turd Odyssey
For those of you wondering what your going to do with you lives without a presidential election to keep score of, have no fear--the GOP is here!
Turns out that two 2012 hopefuls, Huckabee and Jindal, will be in Iowa this week testing the waters. This makes perfect sense. It is getting dangerously close to President-Elect Obama's inauguration and if the Republicans are going to have any chance in 2012 they should have a nominee ready so they can start the campaign on the right foot.
My friends, let me give you some straight talk: in only two months the Iowa caucuses will be less then 3 years away, and we have to get ready for everything the GOP is going to throw at us. If we are not prepared they will catch us off guard and we will surely end up with a President Palin, Vice-President Troy Aikman, Secritary of State Bobby Bowden, and Wilford Brimley as Fed Chairman. That is not the type of change I can believe in.
We need to stick together. It has almost been a week since Obama won the 2008 election, and in a week, it will be almost 2 weeks, and in two weeks it will be almost three, etc...
If Ozzy has taught us anything, we must know there is No Rest For The Wicked, and we must take him at his word.
Community Organizer
The election hangover still has me woozy. I have random thoughts on the next 4 years. A fantasy wish list that's too good to be true. That the Democratic Party will come up with good ideas that make sense and can finally be enacted. That this war can end quickly with the establishment of a real government in Iraq and the successful snuffing of the real enemy we have let mock us for 7 years (The mightiest military in the world outfoxed by a guy living in a third world country). That this is proof that people are learning that the lessons of hate have slowed the progress of Man for too long. That Green energy is the clear way of the future and Detroit car manufacturers conceive of a new Model T that creates jobs here. That the particle collider at CERN sees some really neat results from their experiments. That America takes the lead on the world stage again despite a failed economy, rising like a great Phoenix from the ashes with an Obama diplomacy tour that is only rivaled by the Bad World Tour.
And all this talk was about experience. And what is a community organizer? And to think that men like Gandhi, MLK and Bob Marley were community organizers. And that they accomplished great things. And that the US Secret Service is much better protection from nutjobs than what these guys had (* Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley and Kennedy not withstanding).
And the GOP who will need years to restore their party is completely torn apart. They are even starting to sound like community organizers.
“You know, if there is a role in national politics, it won’t be so much partisan,” Palin told reporters. “My efforts have always been here in the state of Alaska to get everybody to unite and work together to progress this state … it certainly would be a uniter type of role.”
That's Palin when asked the "what now?" gotcha journalism question on her retreat to Alaska.
It is about time we chose an intelligent and inspirational president. For the first time since 9/11 the world is with us again. Let's move it forward.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Welcome Back...
....your dreams were your ticket out:
In serious conversations among Republicans since their election debacle Tuesday, what name is mentioned most often as the Moses, or Reagan, who could lead them out of the wilderness before 40 years?
To the consternation of many Republicans, it is none other than Newt Gingrich, the former speaker of the House.
Gingrich is far from a unanimous or even a consensus choice to run for president in 2012, but there is a strong feeling in Republican ranks that he is the only leader of their party who has shown the skill and energy to attempt a comeback quickly.
Even one of his strongest supporters for president in 2012 admits it is a "very risky choice." But Republicans are in a desperate mood after the fiasco of John McCain's seemingly safe candidacy.
Republicans appear chastened by the failure of seeking moderate, independent and even Democratic votes. They are ready to try going back to the "old-time religion."
One Republican critic of Gingrich concedes that he has an "unlimited" energy flow and a constant stream of ideas, an important commodity in a party that appears to have run short of ideas during the Bush years. But there is widespread concern about what is described in the party as deep "character flaws" of Gingrich's that would be difficult to overcome in a presidential campaign.
Nobody in Republican ranks, however, matches Gingrich's dynamism.
The consternation among Republicans is concentrated on McCain's failure to capitalize on Democratic flaws.
It would be a rocky road for Gingrich to the nomination, much less the presidency, but there are no other serious candidates inside the party at the moment.
What's clear is that Republicans are unanimous in trying to avoid a repeat of what happened this year, and there is a surprising consensus that McCain was going in the wrong direction and was the wrong candidate.
What one GOP critic calls Gingrich's "unlimited energy supply" must be overcome by anyone opposing him. Several old Republican hands feel that Gingrich in 2012 is no more outrageous than Ronald Reagan was in 1980.
What is certain is that Gingrich has the desire and the will. He has a deep-seated ambition. He had not even settled into the House speaker's chair in 1995 when he confessed to me his presidential desires for 1996. That was not to be, but he never abandoned the personal dream and is ready to pursue it now.
It looks like there is a battle brewing between Gingrich and Palin Republicans?!? If Obama is able to do what I think he is able to do, and the Republicans keep this nonsense up, the Democrats might be in control for a long, long time. This could be a one way ticket to health care....
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Ummm...Joe the Plumber was on welfare
He hates socialism so much he must partake in it to better understand it. Sadly, Alan Colmes of all people nails him on it. Check it out:
My prediction: Sarah the Palin and Joe the Plumber will make porn vid by 2010. He will really fix her pipes!!! (rim shot)
Take it to the bank, baby.
Chief of Staff
It looks like high ranking Dem Rahm Emanuel is getting the nod to be Obama's Chief of Staff. This should set off plenty of right wing alarms. Not only is Emanuel the son of Jerusalem-born militant Zionist, he also put in a lot of hours during his 5 year stint as a senior advisor to the Clinton administration on helping Israel and Palestine reach the Oslo Accords (whether or not this was a success is debatable). The Fox News fear message of the day is that Obama will surround himself with cronies from his time in Illinois and ostracize Washington. Fox decrying cronyism is like the Pope decrying funny hats. Sure this contradicts the rah rah excitement Sarah Palin brought to the table about being a Washington outsider who would shake things up and give a new look to Washington. But more importantly, it's smoke without a fire. Obama will likely lean on established Washington names to reshape this government to bring us back to being a beacon whose lead the rest of the world follows. I am encouraged that instead of immediately going on vacation and having his vice president elect make all the big decisions as to who he should appoint to serve REALLY IMPORTANT roles in his administration, he has named a known ally with history in the White House to help him make these tough choices. It's not like he's about to name Rev. Wright Secretary of State or put Bill Ayres in charge of FEMA, but who he surrounds himself with now will determine the success of his first term. Emanuel has a reputation for being a hot-head just like Biden is known for being long winded, but this decision makes good sense to me.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Obama will adopt--not buy a dog
Along with picking his Cabinet, finding just the right people for his White House staff and deciding what to do about two wars, President-elect Barack Obama has one other decision to make: which dog to get for daughters Malia, 10, and Sasha, 7. In a way, the Obamas already have done the heavy lifting on that one. After announcing they planned to buy a dog as a reward for their daughters being such good sports about the grueling campaign, animal rights and animal welfare groups started campaigns of their own — for the Obamas to adopt a shelter dog and not buy a dog from a breeder. PETA's president sent them a letter. Best Friends Animal Society launched a petition drive on the Web site www.obamafamilydog .com that collected 50,000 signatures in just two weeks. The Humane Society of the United States made an appeal. The American Kennel Club, the registry for purebred dogs, supported the first couple-elect's initial decision to buy a dog from a breeder. More than 42,000 Americans voted in AKC's poll to determine the right breed of dog. The winner: the poodle, chosen from five hypoallergenic breeds so as not to irritate Malia and Sasha's allergies. Then the news broke on "Entertainment Tonight" a little over a month ago: Michelle Obama announced the family would, indeed, adopt a rescue dog. The Obama campaign did not return a phone call Wednesday regarding the first pet, but Obama confirmed in his acceptance speech that his girls would get their dog. The first family-elect has millions of shelter dogs to choose from. Between 6 million and 8 million dogs and cats end up in shelters every year; about half of them have to be euthanized, according to the Humane Society of the United States. "We are very pleased to hear that President-elect Obama has decided to adopt a puppy from an animal shelter," said Jon Cicirelli, deputy director of the San Jose Animal Care Center. "Our residents can follow his lead and ask themselves if they, too, can make a difference in the life of a homeless animal. We say, 'Yes, you can!
I thought this was a great post-election story about our president-elect:
I have adopted 2 great pound dogs. www.petfinder.com is a great site where you can search for the dog you want by breed. Here is the ad for our pup, Hannah the Dog that we rescued a year and a half ago. Good thing we got her when we did. They were about to sell her to a hunting compound run by Sarah Palin and some helicopter company.
Yes We Can
My friends, hopefully we have heard McCain and the rest of the hate machine say, "My friends." for the last time. I cried and screamed with glee all night long as the results literally poured in. As McCain said, "The American people have spoken loud and clear." We are on the verge of great things. We need to be strong, united, and give our new leadership the support to bring our nation to greatness once again. We need nothing short of a new New Deal. The modern Republican beast has systematically dismantled the greatness of FDR's legacy. We can rebuild. Yes we can!
This is a huge day for all Americans. It is an extra special day for African Americans and all other groups of people that have ever had their civil rights violated. We can bring fairness, liberty, prosperity, and equal opportunities for pursuit of happiness to all groups of Americans. Yes we can!
I live in Florida. I am revitalized to live in a blue state once again. But I am also sad that my state voted against equal rights for homosexuals. Homosexuals are just one of many groups of people that are still having their civil rights violated. Whether you accept homosexuality or not, this is simply a civil rights issue. This issue is addressed in the original fibers of our nation's blueprints - THE CONSTITUTION. Separation of Church and State. All Men Are Equal. So my fellow Americans, clearly all groups deserve the same rights of humanity, and we can make sure that all of our citizens live free. Yes we can!
In McCain's concession speech he said that he ran a good campaign and he didn't know what more he could have done. Hey Johnny how about you could have talked about what you were planning to DO instead of just fanning the flames of hate. I posted a video clip a couple of weeks ago where McCain corrected a woman at one of his rallies. He informed the lost soul that Obama is not an Arab, he is a decent family man. McCain made it loud and clear that he supports hatred of people from a large section of the world. We can restore America's great melting pot society of acceptance and fairness that originally built this country and excelled it to greatness. Yes we can!
Our voices have been heard. McCain is out. Obama is in. The old way is out. The new way is in. We now have the ability with every election to reshape our nation. We can shape it any way we want. We have the ability to shape with every election. Every issue and candidate from our towns to our cities to our counties to our states to our NATION. We can undo the cumulative horror that the greedy leadership of the GOP has brought to us over the last century. Yes we can!
I'm proud to be an American. We are going to bring our nation back to greatness. YES WE CAN!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Hey Bush- Eat It!!!
For your Festivus needs
The football Gods have spoken..
The Pittsburgh Steelers' drubbing of the upstart Washington Redskins last night is a good omen. A 'Skins loss all but makes it certain the Dems are taking home the hardware tonight. For those of you who did not catch Obama and McCain at the half last night. Chris Berman asked each candidate identical questions, the first of which being, "As president, what would you change if you could change anything in sports?" McCain, predictably, went the route of attacking steroids. Obama's response was to install an 8 game college football playoff system. He's going to make a FINE president, indeed.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Sleep well
Ye- Soon I shall surrender to this evening's slumber. With a pence worth of lady luck's grace, it shall be for the last time in my life without, at a minimum, comprehension of Sen. Obama's ascension to the highest office found in this fair land's pastures. My fellow Americans and fellow Earthlings, savor this evening, for tomorrow may present tumultuous moments, but lest they provide a temporary respite from an outcome nearly certain.
Remember to vote....And remember, whichever way the snake slivers, the end of the Bush reign is nearer with each breath.
And why are folk running ads with that bizarre cleric Wright? It makes me happy to know the McPalin camp is going to finish off that final play that replicates every failed play the Clinton camp ran in the Spring.
Electoral College Predictions
11:30 AM EST on Monday, Nov 3, 2008. I have completed my predictions and urge you to submit yours in the comments section. There are several good sites where you can play around with the map, but none where a guy (or gal) can copy and paste the map (that I have been able to find).
That being said, here are my predictions (270 to win):
McPalin: SC, GA, Al, MS, TN, KY,WV,OH,IN,MO,AR,LA,TX,OK,KS,NE,SD,ND,MT,WY,ID,UT,AZ,The state where you can see Russia from your window.
This totals 205 votes.
This total 333 votes.
Some key states: Florida and Ohio will be too close to call most of the night and will go in opposite directions. For this reason it won't be until about 12pm est that this thing is called for Obama, but I hope I am wrong about that.
I just can't see Obama winning in Indiana or West Virginia- for reasons of race. Missouri is where I hold out hope of being surprised.
People under thirty-five, African-Americans, and Latinos are going to put Obama over the top, along with the usual tree hugging folk who voted for Mondale and McGovern.
I think this is a somewhat conservative estimate. Just to put it in perspective, Obama could lose Florida, Pennsylvania, Colorado and New Mexico from my projections and still win 271 Electoral votes. I just don't see a viable path for McCain.
What will grow ever more important will be the congress. There, I see the Dems picking up 8 seats in the Senate and 29 in the House. If the Dems are able to get to 60 seats in the Senate then the Republicans will not be able to use the filibuster and thus, Dems will actually be able to get some important things accomplished. Immigration reform, health care, workers rights, etc will all be on the table.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Executive Experience
Having "so-called" executive experience doesn't mean you are not completely incompetent. Sarah Palin has proven, yet again, that she is a figurehead who gets the vast majority of information she receives from the mouth of some unseen advisor or aide. If there were a machine that could detect and measure common sense, she would not register any reading whatsoever. While recently conducting a radio interview in Montreal (Quebec - zero electoral votes) she was the victim of, what would seem to be, an obvious prank call. It's not so much as she was caught unaware that bothers me. It's that it was carried out with such incredible ease and she was unaware that this was a ruse despite several "red flags." While sympathizers will call this an extreme example of gotcha journalism, I call it evidence that Sarah Palin is a vacant and uninformed twit who is in way over her head. This incident does nothing to shatter my vision of her as a woman who has lived in a self-indulgent bubble for the last 30 years. Listen to this snippet for yourself and explain how this daft creature has any place in the White House. If she's so easily hoodwinked by harmless pranksters, how is she going to stare down the real threats we face in international diplomacy (oh yeah.. under McCain, we won't have diplomacy, just missle strikes)? This isn't going rogue. It's something else.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
A post election thought:
Most likely, primates and whales- both seemingly intelligent--live their entire lives not knowing of the others existence.
Friday, October 31, 2008
November 5th Drudge Pledge
I admit it--I look at the Drudge Report everyday. Its a strange breed of obsession that would require a painful form of self-reflection for me to truly understand. I tell myself that everyone in D.C. looks at it daily (which is sadly true)so I need to peruse its content to keep up. After all, I am a professional.
But that would be the easy way out, and I am learned enough to know that virtually everything that is easy is also bad, and most bad things (especially destructive habits) necessitate an ugly cleansing process.
So here is my pledge: Obama wins on Tuesday and I swear off Drudge's bullshit site forever. No need for a double take, I said FOREVER, and I urge anyone else with my affliction to do the same.
Vote Obama as many times as you can. If not for the country, than out of spite to destroy that pervert-hat wearing twit that would be cleaning highways if the right people were running the show.
Remember, when it comes t Drudge, if we don't look, he won't eat.
- Lastly, is anyone else pissed that this, of all weekends, is the one that we get an extra hour?
I had just opened this article that details how the right are going to get nasty, the same moment a group called the GOP Trust ran a Rev. Wright add here in Florida. Granted, it occurred in the middle of 5 Dem ads, and was on behalf of a "blockhead" of a candidate that has virtually no chance of winning, but still, it was terrible. Kind of like getting rocks on Halloween.
Also, we are going to be having a "blog pool" for the Electoral College on Monday, so stay tuned.
Till then:
Stevens found NOT GUILTY
At least according to himself. In a debate last night he announced that he has not been convicted of anything, despite a difference of opinion with the judge and jury that convicted him earlier this week on 7 counts of corruption.
Dear McPalin: Boo! The Economist endorses Obama
The center-right leaning British publication, the Economist, has come out for Obama, and done so in what I think is a, quite frankly brilliant way. Three things stand out for me about this endorsement that make it more striking than any of the others I have come across. Heres why:
1) The Economist has some of the smartest and best researched material political material on the international circuit. It challenges the average reader and forces he or she to elevate their game when consuming their writing (much like this site!). They don't dumb down to reach a broader audience. Instead they choose to reach out to intellectuals and aspirants of intellectuality throughout the world.
In order to do so they must understand the world or they will have no readers. So this endorsement further spotlights a world behind Obama. The Economist, as a whole, understand the geo-political temperatures better than any other publication I have come across-- be it academic or commercial.
2) A center-right publication is classic McTurd territory, and this just deepens the sketch of the Arizona Senator as a man that has at the very least lost his political soul, if not his moral compass.
3) The way they framed their endorsement was powerful and forward thinking. They ask us to examine what the next 8 years might be like, as opposed to merely (and appropriately) mocking the eight that we are about to conclude. Here is an excerpt:
The immediate focus, which has dominated the campaign, looks daunting enough: repairing America’s economy and its international reputation. The financial crisis is far from finished. The United States is at the start of a painful recession. Some form of further fiscal stimulus is needed, though estimates of the budget deficit next year already spiral above $1 trillion. Some 50m Americans have negligible health-care cover. Abroad, even though troops are dying in two countries, the cack-handed way in which George Bush has prosecuted his war on terror has left America less feared by its enemies and less admired by its friends than it once was.
Yet there are also longer-term challenges, worth stressing if only because they have been so ignored on the campaign. Jump forward to 2017, when the next president will hope to relinquish office. A combination of demography and the rising costs of America’s huge entitlement programmes—Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid—will be starting to bankrupt the country. Abroad a greater task is already evident: welding the new emerging powers to the West. That is not just a matter of handling the rise of India and China, drawing them into global efforts, such as curbs on climate change; it means reselling economic and political freedom to a world that too quickly associates American capitalism with Lehman Brothers and American justice with Guantánamo Bay. This will take patience, fortitude, salesmanship and strategy.At the beginning of this election year, there were strong arguments against putting another Republican in the White House. A spell in opposition seemed apt punishment for the incompetence, cronyism and extremism of the Bush presidency. Conservative America also needs to recover its vim. Somehow Ronald Reagan’s party of western individualism and limited government has ended up not just increasing the size of the state but turning it into a tool of southern-fried moralism.
The selection of Mr McCain as the Republicans’ candidate was a powerful reason to reconsider. Mr McCain has his faults: he is an instinctive politician, quick to judge and with a sharp temper. And his age has long been a concern (how many global companies in distress would bring in a new 72-year-old boss?). Yet he has bravely taken unpopular positions—for free trade, immigration reform, the surge in Iraq, tackling climate change and campaign-finance reform. A western Republican in the Reagan mould, he has a long record of working with both Democrats and America’s allies.
If only the real John McCain had been running
That, however, was Senator McCain; the Candidate McCain of the past six months has too often seemed the victim of political sorcery, his good features magically inverted, his bad ones exaggerated. The fiscal conservative who once tackled Mr Bush over his unaffordable tax cuts now proposes not just to keep the cuts, but to deepen them. The man who denounced the religious right as “agents of intolerance” now embraces theocratic culture warriors. The campaigner against ethanol subsidies (who had a better record on global warming than most Democrats) came out in favour of a petrol-tax holiday. It has not all disappeared: his support for free trade has never wavered. Yet rather than heading towards the centre after he won the nomination, Mr McCain moved to the right.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
PSSSST...He's Black
I am a white guy. I'm not bragging or complaining, I'm just saying I'm white. One thing that I have noticed consistently over the years is that white people try to conceal when they use the descriptive term "black" when talking about black people. It goes like this. A white person tells a story and gets to the part to describe a black person. At this time White Person forms an L with his hand and places it along side his mouth, thumb along bottom of chin and forefinger pointing up along cheek. It is now safe for White Person to say "black" in a very soft voice. White Person's bigoted actions do not go unnoticed. Black Person notices the gesture of White Person's secret pose and feels the heavy eyes glancing in his direction. Of course White Person says, "Don't Look", which makes the recipient look more. This is going to surprise some of you, Black People Know they are Black! It's not a secret. I imagine that it is not offensive to black people to be referred to as black but is very offensive to hear people say "black" as though it's a bad word.
Democrats and Republicans have come across the aisle in mass bipartisanship agreement in regards to George W. Bush being one of the worst, if not thee worst, president of all times. They agree that W. has the Midas Touch in reverse. Everything the guy does turns to portapotty shit. It can't be flushed. It piles up. It smells really really bad. John McCain brags about having agreed with Portapotty Bush more than most of his Republican colleagues.
On the other hand, Obama is thoughtful, rational, and reasonable in his thought, ideas, and clear opposition of what Portapotty Bush has done to our country. So why isn't Obama further ahead in the polls?
In the primaries when the Clintons bashed Obama for his relationship with his reverend, Obama addressed the ongoing race tensions and unequalities in our country brilliantly. He delivered the most powerful civil rights speech of my lifetime (Sadly, Dr. King was assassinated before I was born.) Obama has already made major strides in getting people talking about major issues that plague our nation, such as negative race relations. Obama is opening people's minds to accept great ideas that will move our country forward positively across the board. I don't expect neo-nazis to embrace him, but all of them would benefit from his leadership. These extremists rather be raped by greedy white control than prosper under sound, fair, black leadership.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Rubber vs. Glue: The Final Showdown
The McCain ticket (particularly Momma Maverick) needs to grow up. They're grabbing at straws and riling up the race card votes. Their campaign isn't even about winning anymore. It's all for polar diva seizing her moment in the spotlight and jockeying for her next endeavor. I actually had a McCain sticker put on my car today. Even my faded old piece of shit car felt degraded. What is most disgusting is that this party is gung-ho for this stance that is so obvious and childish. They chose to name call instead of discussing the issues. Because they either have bad ideas or only rough sketches of what they think they might kinda understand better if they weren't so unaware or misinformed about what they were supposed to be overseeing. Or something like that.
I went to foxnews.com for about 5 seconds last night and I nearly vomited. Every headline was skewed hate. Even the font was chunky and weird. I got dizzy and zipped over to my emergency website and picked up a Wally to bring me down. Helped save a Koala in the process.
At any rate, John McCain lost his way on this stumble to the White House and should promote a message that provides solutions or challenges the topics instead of all this nonsense. And Sarah Palin is a dumb cunt. I'm sorry, but it's true. She knows shit from shinola and is milking this close up for all its worth. She's not For the people. She's for herself. And she is projecting a racist message. When unbiased news sources (or the law in her home state) dig into her past it's the liberal media bullying, but she can stand at a podium and send this ignorant message that vitalizes people like Timothy McVeigh and this guy. There is no dignity in what they are doing.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Aunt Thomasina: An NFL debacle (Jerry? YES! Condi? NO!)
Condoleezza Rice is a minion of evil.
And she needs to stay the hell away from the NFL. Spending 4 years hiding behind a curtain then 4 years in the spotlight as the relief pitcher in the bullshit World Series [starting rotation: Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, Tenet and Bush - Powell lost for the season] does not mean you deserve a job in the NFL. I'm a bigger NFL fan than her and I don't deserve it either. It's great that she is a refined and cultured black woman and the fact that she achieved this position is a symbol of progress in Equality. It would be more commendable if she weren't completely unqualified to do this job. Aside from the fact that her accomplishment is about to get completely overshadowed by someone far greater than her, she was a robotic mouthpiece for the misinformation hate machine. A puppet on a string. A guilty party. Her appointment was not as bad as the joker at FEMA, but she is forever linked to this catastrophic administration. Does that ever wash off?
Plus she has designs on taking over a high-ranking and influential role in NFL. Anybody who has been following the twists and turns of the CBAs knows how delicate the situation is. And she cannot possibly help. I'm okay with the economy being in the shitter and gas being $4, but if you take away my football, I'll go postal. Surely there must be some other organization she could infiltrate and ruin.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Have you hugged your fuck up kid lately?
Somebody hasn't. And if you consider yourself a supremacist, shouldn't you look supreme in some way?
Here is some more unchecked racism at a Palin rally:
Notice that the crowd is more offended by the suggestion that we end up like the oppresive Swedes than the usage of the "N" word.
9 Rabid McCain Supporters
He's outfoxed Obama by targeting a demographic that just may be old enough to vote for him before he expires.
Seriously.. how bored are these kids?
8 Day, 5 hours till the first polls close...
The facts speak for themselves. The overwhelming majority of leaks and defections that have occurred over the last few weeks come from the McPalin camp. Few, if any, have come from the Obama side. The Obama camp appears poised and together. McPalin's looks confused and disgruntled. If this were Rock-N-Roll, Obama would be a Stone's concert, McPalin would be a Wham cover band playing in a garage somewhere in Alberta.
In my opinion, the following scene from Spinal Tap featuring Duke Fame and the Flame Throwers best articulates the state of the two campaigns:
Crazed female fans shriek.)
David: Uh-oh- look out, here they come....
Derek: Hold your breath.
Fan: Duke! Duke! Can I have your autograph?
Nigel: It's Duke.
David: Duke! Duke!
Terry: Get your hands back.
David: It's OK, we know'm, it's Spinal Tap.
Terry: Sure.
David St Hubbins, Spinal Tap; Derek Smalls, Spinal Tap;
Look, we gotta get going here.
David: Listen, uh...uh...where
you playing in
You you playin' here?
Terry: We're doin'
whatever it is. It's
terrific, it's a good
We sold it out.
Oh yeah big place outside of town.
Very nice.
David: That's a big
place. You sold it out?!
What's that, twenty-thousand seats?
Terry: We really should
run, you know...
Ian: Good heavens. How are you,
laddy?! Great to see
you, Ter!
Terrific to see you.
Ian: Ian.
Terry: Ian. Yeah, listen, we'd love to
stand around and chat,
we've gotta...sit down in the lobby and wait for
David: OK. Great. Duke, great to see you. Great
see you again
Derek: We'll catch up with you on the road.
Duke: Cheers.
David: Duke! Great to see you. See ya. See you, Duke. Good
Good days!
Fuckin' wanker.
Nigel: What a wanker.
a wanker.
Derek: Total no talent sod.
He's got this much
talent -- this much if he's lucky.
David: We carried
him. We had to
apologize for him with our set.
Derek: That's right.
Mick: That's
David: People were still booin' 'im
when we were on.
It's all
hype. It's all hype. It's all bought.
See for yourself:
The pending doom. I addressed it last week. Everyone is losing sight of one item of serious note--and that is proud reality that GWB is about to leave office. If nothing else, keep that in mind when we hit the inevitable bumps of the next few days.
I'll say it again: no terrorist attack on US soil, or no nuke exploding in the next 8 days, Obama wins by 9pm EST.
Also, stay tuned, as I am thinking on that Tuesday of next week to have an E.C. prediction game of some kind....a "blog pool" of sorts.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Nightmare: McPalin Win!
I am watching a local county commission election, which is very sad as I already voted. In about 2 weeks I think I'm going to take a break from politics, well, as much as I can since I teach this shit for a living.
That being said, please, if you never carry out any of my generally silly or reactionary requests again, give this a read, and do what you can to get the folks you know to vote and vote Obama. Otherwise, we will all be living in a tube.
Thank you, I really appreciate you reading our blog. The depth of your questions is always impressive and inspiring. I feel blessed for your loyalty. If you give me a chance, I will serve you very well in the coming years. I have the right experience and commitment to serve you, our reader. G-d bless you, G-d bless Leon County, and G-d bless America.
Muslims for McCain
I know it sounds like Jews for Jesus, but they're the reasonable ones. In this example at least.
Drive by rant...
Why do the same people that advocate small government want a large military? Palin's handlers are programing her to say that Obama advocates the government taking the people's money and property from them to share with all, and that he wants to use government to take care of us. Keeping to her master's logic--should they wish to be consistent-- then shouldn't we then replace the military with a citizen militia?
Go Dolphins.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
The Double Reverse Maverick
Just when you thought it couldn't get any maverickier, it did. Momma Maverick has gone maverick from the Maverick ticket.
The Easily Duped - A Video Archive
These people should be put in the zoo, so I could throw peanuts at them.
Part 2.. Rise of the Uninformed...
Friday, October 24, 2008
Am I the last person to know????
So, the whole thing was a hoax?
Police say a campaign volunteer confessed to making up a story that a mugger attacked her and cut the letter B in her face after seeing her McCain bumper sticker.
What kind of fucking world is this? ...making up a story about a 6 foot 4 black dude pinning you down and carving a 'B' into your face for being a McCain supporter?
Is this the most disgusting form of rascism we've seen this campaign or what?
Dear Ashley Todd,
You fucking asshole. It's understandable that you are upset about the fact that your candidate sucks. You are frustrated that your political party put forward such a pathetic character to represent your beliefs, of which you clearly care deeply about... apparently, to the point of insanity.
But did you have to fulfill every non-Texan's stereotype about the horrific rascism, ignorance, and apparent lunacy of the average Texan (Austin residents excluded)?
Furthermore, are you even aware of the hatefullness that your actions imply? That you'd fictionalize such a horrific act despite having to endure self-mutilation to accomplish your ruse?
This is futile... I don't have the ability to craft a letter that could possibly express my frustration.
I hope that you have plenty of time in jail with plenty of nice incarcirated African-American women that can explain the folly of your actions to you.
Best of luck douchebag.
Do it for the Fonze
Arthur 'Fonzie' Fonzarelli: Don't you understand, your brain is clay and I gotta SQUEEZE it!
I'm never quite sure how effective these ads are, but hey, he is the Fonze, and he still cooler than you....