Somebody buy this poor woman a map and a clue for Christmas.
Some Fries With Your Stupid, Alina Habba?
Hair Füror’s renowned legal scholar Alina Habba has thoughts: Alina Habba:
"There's a separation of powers for a reason. The executive branch is the
2 hours ago
I'm stunned. I know Phalin didn't know a lot of basic stuff, but Africa. Come on really. There are only 7 continents. She couldn't remember that? If you are a republican reading this, come on, I know you guys can do better than W., Phalin, and Joe the Dumb Ass.
Typical Fox hit job. Campbell Brown made some interesting comments about this on her show tonight mentioning, these were the same people who said she was qualified and it is shameful that they are trying to save face by making her the scapegoat.
Might I point out that we have two consecutive Fox News video postings? The entire world is upside down.
Much negative news about Palin's role in the campaign has come out in the last several days. Let's hope it's enough to keep her from being a national player on the scene for years to come.
Gosh darnit, I'm not turning these doggone clothes back in.
I agree with Dick Tremayne. Who knows if this crap is true, and why are they just so eager to share these? And yeah, this from the people who assured us she was qualified. So did they lie then or are they lying now? Either way I think this makes the McSame campaign and the GOP come off worse than Failin. They have a really vicious history of throwing the women in their party under the bus (Katherine Harris in particular comes to mind).
helen - they are alway lying. it's there "thing". they may try to patent it. i agree - the GOP only comes worse for nominating the guy who chose this dolt for his VP running mate. but for the record, Harris is a complete douche.
Fat Ass Limbaugh is still trying to hold her purse for her but he knows Hannity is her first love. Maybe O'Reilly can rub his falafel on her for luck in 2012.
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