Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I'll never hit a woman..

..but I'll smack the shit out of 'em. Why is this dumb bitch still talking?


alzaido alzaido said...

Say it ain't so Dick. You want her to stop talking? She is such a great antirepublican tool. The more she talks the worse the entire republihell party looks. I admit I find her funny to listen too, but I realize that the fact that she is a governor is just fucking sad and ridiculous. There are a lot of problems with free market democracies. Palin as a governor is one of the huge problems.

Randal Graves said...

I think I tend to side with alzaido on this. Sure, she's nuts, and the 30% neo-Nazi cracker brigade photoshops her into Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS, but even the typical Murkan rube feels she's distasteful.

Comrade Kevin said...

Good try, Sarah.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I LIKE her talking. I'm comedically entertained and she's making a pre-emptive strike against Republicanism in the next election.

Be careful what you ask for, you might get it.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Let the tool keep on talkin'. And I do hope the Rethugs run her as their preznit in 2012.

The majority of Americans thinks she's a dipshit.

Pierre V. Ross said...

don't be fooled guys...there are alot of people, and i mean alot, who buy into her nonsense 100%. i kinda thought her ridiculousness was funny and harmless, unless i landed in Jacksonville Florida and realized people really love her. stay alert, don't let your guard down. and Dick, don't smack women...Shake the shit out of em.

themom said...

I agree with "all the above."