Darth Cheney mentions in a back and forth between he and VP elect Biden that the President doesn't require any permission to "launch the kind of devastating attack the world has never seen."
Just in time for the holidays! He also defends the actions of Donald Rumsfeld by calling him the greatest puppet politician whose ass he's ever shoved his wrinkled paw into. Cheney is a unique creature who never saw an indictment that made him scared or a rainbow that made him happy. Especially the one on his daughter's bumper sticker. I'm guessing if he is ever truly brought up on charges that stick, he'll take one of those CIA pills Kenneth Lay got just before he went into the pokey. From one Dick to another, I'd say we're gonna miss you, but I'm afraid of getting shot in the face.
That man is truly one of the most scary human beings alive today.
As always with these guys, it comes down to a, er, dick, waving contest. My pretzeldent can blow up your pretzeldent!
Shakespeare fucked up. Should have been 'let's kill all the politicians.'
that's a mighty scary photo. Where did you find it / create it?
the internet. probably somewhere in google images.
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