There have been a great many things said about Sunday's National Equality March in Washington, DC, calling into question the actual attendance numbers and the significance such an event can have. From the ground view, for a middle-class straight white man there to support his friends within the LGBT community, there was an energy and passion among attendees from around the nation that was undeniable. And, for the workshops and training sessions on organizing and activism alone, the event can only be seen as worthwhile and a great achievement.
I now live in the DC area (after a decade in Los Angeles), and the ability to go to events like this has already become something that's easily taken for granted. But, when three friends from Boston - Olivia - and LA - Lise and Tricia - asked for a place to stay so they could come to DC and take part in the march, I was given the great gift of an opportunity to contribute in a very personal way.

Unsure of where to go or what to do, we milled around the station until one of us noted (Me? Lise?) there was a very large number of presumably gay and lesbian young adults present. We quickly figured out it was a go and took part in a public piece of performance art meant to show, "This is What Equality Looks Like". In one second we were in position, and in the next with a high-pitched "whoop" from one of the organizers it started and a flag stating the flash mob's theme unfurled. I went down on one knee as if proposing to Tricia, while Olivia did the same with Lise. Gay couples held hands, or embraced in silence, and the entire station went quiet as some took part and others puzzled over what was going on. And then it was over, but not without a lot of cheering, photos of the demonstrators and networking and discussion afterward.
Despite many workshops to be held throughout the weekend - with many of which appearing to be filled online - this was our one-and-only event for Saturday, so we spent the afternoon seeing DC - tourist sites, Dupont Circle, Pho 14 and Fab Lounge (a lesbian bar) - and talking about the politics of the event itself. As an outsider looking in, I learned there were many issues I didn't know I didn't know. And, these ideas would be echoed throughout the weekend.

With that in mind, there are issues of race and gender within the LGBT community, as in any other community, and with such a homogeneous face representing the community at the establisment's table many issues facing women, minorities or transgendered individuals often go overlooked, for instance one I'd never pondered that Lise pointed out. If there is a pay gap between men and women, then lesbians are twice-disadvantaged by this pay disparity. Where a gay male couple will have two men making the standard, a lesbian couple will have two people making less than the standard wage for their work, adversely effecting many lesbians financially.

Though we rushed to get to the heart of the march - having arrived a little late - we caught up with the marchers on Pennsylvania Ave. Following the march route from the White House to the Capitol, despite the low estimates of attendance noted in the press, protesters stretched as a solid mass for block upon block. With various groups in the crowd expressing their solidarity with the LGBT community, from the Socialist Workers and ANSWER to immigration activists, everyone stayed remarkably on message.
It was youth that brought energy to the crowd with chants, both resolute and forceful. But, just as inspiring was the man who carried a poster listing the years - going back several decades - he had marched on Washington for equal rights, or two older women - easily in their 70s - walking hand-in-hand along the route. Still another older man pushed his walker along, determined to march, with the help of two younger men on either side.

As we approached the Capitol the sheer number of protesters became apparent as the main area of the Capitol lawn had filled with more than half of the march left to arrive. We, like many others went to the side lawn to hear the speeches, taking opportunities throughout the afternoon to venture into the crowd and take photos.
Despite the dismissive attitude of the HRC and Frank, gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered politicians and activists from around the country spoke on the dais, side-by-side with union representatives, celebrities like Cynthia Nixon of Sex and the City, and civil rights activist Julian Bond. In doing so, this coalition showed solidarity in holding President Obama to his word to the LGBT community on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, gay marriage and many other forgotten promises.

For me, despite the criticisms I've heard, the events brought a wide array of individuals, old and young, of many colors, religions and orientations in common cause. Being with my friends, holding their hands, supporting them, marching with them on a beautiful day while banging on the doors of those in power, it was possible to see a near-future where we all share equality that goes beyond words and dreams.
Thanks to Tricia for the photos from the event (though to be fair I took some of them, but using her camera...)
Hey, a good post, man. Thank you for doing what our Happy Happy Joy Joy News Machine refused to do.
nicely done Rob. interesting points about race/gay issues and the pay discrimination of lesbians. sad to hear that the hrc and barney frank weren't supportive. is there a follow-up demonstration scheduled? will you be attending any other demonstrations in general in the near future?
Glad you liked our sign!
I'm glad for the big turnout and hope that this energy can be channeled towards the most successful strategy. I'm still looking to see how righteous, justified indignation makes its way into active policy and hoping that someone will open the path.
The real reason Barney Frank objected to the NEM was that it put a spotlight on the lack of action by Democrats on lgbt issues. Frank always has put partisan politics ahead of lgbt civil rights.
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