seriously, drink up fuckers.
a couple things to think about bonuses tax-payer dollars being paid out to obscenely rich people, who then quit immediately after receiving said funds...
but it's alright, because it's all white...
a close friend of mine compared coffee to nuclear holocaust today...
and another close friend of mine confirmed that some people actually do read this blog... the take-away? you can be right while also being an asshole...
here's a little something for Mr. Graves... but it'll suite anybody with an iota of musical taste...
and another musical interlude on this solemn day...
hate arod? how much? how 'bout now?
finally, my apologies for once again overusing and misusing the ellipsis...
* Federal prosecutors in New York and Washington resign after refusing to
drop Adams charges *
*At least six prosecutors, including the acting U.S. att...
1 hour ago
ellipses are delicious. I saute mine with a little olive oil, garlic and red pepper flakes.
Mmmmmm ellipses.
Its funny how many people are starting to talk about how bad coffee is for the human body. You should thank your friend, he is wise.
shaw - how do you catch the little buggers? i set traps, but generally only manage to catch pocket lint and scoliosis.
sal - nope, he's not wise. he's my hobbit butt buddy.
Why is Tom Brady turd of the hour? Got a thing for Giselle?
helen - ya know, it's to your credit that you ask this question.
sal generally maintains the turd of the hour thing. but if i had to take a stab at it, i'd say that tom brady is probably the turd of the hour because he is the quarterback for new england's football patriots and sal is a degenerate dolphins fan.
i'll have to leave it at that for i fear i've already said too much...
You sir, are a bastard.
Next time, how about some Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem?
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