Wednesday, January 27, 2010

we interrupt this broadcast to bring you:

we can only take the real-lifeyness of haiti for so long... then it's back to consumer electronics.


Randal Graves said...

Buy one or make Baby Haitian Jesus cry.

SagaciousHillbilly said...

Ahhh, but consumer electronics from Apple seem so much more. . . pure.

Kup said...

I would be more impressed if he could invent hair for himself.

puddy said...

yes sal... impressed and appreciative.

Kup said...

Apple is everywhere and everything now. I can't stand it. Thats why I use Microsoft products.

Laura said...

OMG... one more friggin thing my kids are going to start bugging me about.


Anonymous said...

Although I have mixed feelings about the deification of Steve Jobs, I gotta admit it's good to see an America corporation that's successful because it dares to be good. Still, as always, the only thing not user-friendly about Apple products is how much they cost. Sigh.