Thursday, June 26, 2008

A Tribute To Some...

Russert. Carlin. Hmmmmm, I wonder which death is more imporant?

Lies allowed on his "show"..


George Carlin - For more funny movies, click hered

Lies allowed on his "show"...

Why say more Dick?? You've done enough...

Rest in peace you old bastard:


puddy said...

you wonder which death is more important? that's a strange way of putting it... i wonder which one will appease the gods.

Kup said...

Bradda, on this issue, you are as small minded as Limbaugh and Hannity.

Randal Graves said...

In this case, I think 'importance' means the giant Russert wankfest/ratings grab on the tube and the 'oh, an old comedian died. Once he said bad stuff and got in trouble. Our Timmeh would never have said bad stuff.'

Carlin was far more astute and aware of America that Russert could ever hope to have been.

Bradda said...

Well said Randal. At least somebody other than me could care less about a TV talking head dying.
Russert couldn't carry Carlin's jockstrap.

puddy said...

no doubt that the media has a tendency, as well as the means, to celebrate themselves. but that's hardly russert's doing. and russert was a true journalist in a time when editorial "news" seems to have taken over. journalism isn't just about deepthroat and murrow. there's something to be said for the cronkites of the world. especially given the o'reillys and the olbermans* of today's media landscape. russert did his best to remain unbiased - a virute given today's social/political/media landscape.

*I enjoy olberman's show just as much as the next bloody hearted liberal - just sayin' that it hardly counts as true journalism.

puddy said...

err... virtue

puddy said...

bradda - you're right: russert was a terrible comedian. for the life of me, i can't remember carlin's interview with david duke though... silly me, always trying to make apple juice from oranges...

Bradda said...

Krep, he was just another corporate talking head shill. No different than ANY of the others. Comparing him with Cronkite is retarded.

puddy said...

bradda - why?

Bradda said...

Why what? Why is he just another shill? Well he never grilled the true guys who needed grilling, Bush,Cheney,...etc. Shit man Helen Thomas gives the president a hard time every day just about but when she dies you won't see all this crying over it. Yes Russert was on TV so I know it's different but if you let Helen interview Cheney for a half hour he'd have to walk out. She'd nail him to the wall. Russert never did. Russert freaking asked Obama about Farakhan during a live debate for fucksake. That's "real" journalism? That's GOP bullshit and he furthered the talk by asking Barack about it in front of the world. I never saw Russert ask Cheney why he and Bush would not testify to the 9/11 commission. I never saw Russert grill Cheney on the secret energy meetings. Hell, Russert never even asked Cheney why he has a man-sized safe. Just because you nail a few pissants from either side of the aisle doesn't mean your Edward R. Morrow.

puddy said...

no, i was asking why, in your opinion, comparing russert to cronkite is retarded.

but now i just want to know why you think cheney has a man-sized safe in his office.

Kup said...

great example of groupthink!

I really thought you were serious... I realized that you were just making fun of people that merely transplant groupthink from left leaning blogs and pass it off as their own thoughts...good work!

Kup said...

Serious usage of the term "Timmeh", in regards to Tim Russert, makes the user as dumb as the South Park character it was taken from.

Bradda said...

Krep, because he does have a man-sized safe in his office. John Stewart told me so it must be true.
Also, Cronkite would never in a million years have asked John Edwards on a nationally televised debate about a fucking $400 haircut and if he regretted getting it. A GOP talking "story" broke by Drudge of all people. Repeating Drudge's smears on TV is not journalism.

Bradda said...

Your right Sal, nicknaming a real life person after a cartoon character is truly disgusting and should not have any place in serious discussions about real issues like $400 haircuts.

Kup said...

Bradda, you wrote:

-Your right Sal, nicknaming a real life person after a cartoon character is truly disgusting and should not have any place in serious discussions about real issues like $400 haircuts.-

This was a terible reply. It had none of the ingredients requiste of a quality reply. It didn't make sense, wasn't funny, and struck me as something a schizophrenic dog catcher would utter to himself when he tries catching a teenage guerrilla with a fishing pole.

Grade: D-

puddy said...

bradda - i'm really communicating terribly today... i meant: what do you think cheney uses the man-sized safe for? (i also saw JS mention it - and also know it to be true for the same reason).

Bradda said...

Krep, I think he uses it to store all the dead babies he kills for their blood. Figure he probably eats 4-5 a day, so a big air tight safe would be needed for storage. Every month he cleans it out and makes a liquid out of the remains to which he gives Bush enemas with. At least that's what I think.

Sal, sounds like someone got to TGIF Fridays early today! How's the pizza shooters?

puddy said...

mmmm... pizza shooters...