Tuesday, June 10, 2008


This is going to kick ass. With Hollywood putting out clunker after clunker trying to remake everything under the sun, The Smurfs are finally getting their due. A live action/CG movie is in the works. I wonder if I can get my cat some work playing Azrael? Who's gonna play Gargamel? I nominate Vince Vaughn. La, lah, lalala, lah, la, la, la, la, lah...


puddy said...

my vote for garg: turturro.

but he's currently my pick for pappa smurf and smurfette too...

just a one-man show of JT playing all the smurf characters would get me off the couch and into the theatre.

Bradda said...

Now that I think about it, I think Steve Buschemi should play Azrael and Christopher Llyod as Garg. Now that shit I would watch.

alzaido alzaido said...

What's Smurfs?

Bradda said...

Blasphemy Al!! I call shenanigans!

Kup said...

ricky garvis should play gargamel.

alzaido alzaido said...

Alright, I know what they are. Krplech shold play Brainy, Sal -Jokey, Bradda - the three kids that Gargamel created later, me - Handy. Yeah.

puddy said...

it would seem that we deperately require a smurfette... i'm just sayin...

Bradda said...

Maybe that girl from "Little Miss Sunshine" for Smurfette? Paint her blue and let her dance to Rick James influenced smurf songs.