Wednesday, September 8, 2010

supreme dickwad terry jones

UPDATE: major props to rackspacehosting for taking two of terry jones's sites down because the sites "violated the hate speech provision of our acceptable use policy."

UPDATE: dove world's site is down... i guess too many people were trying to join the congregation!

in case you are wondering...

this is the ignorant assbag rev. terry jones that plans on expressing himself by burning the Qur'an on 9/11:

and this is his sign that expresses his thesis:

these are his words that he uses to express his religious perspective:

...we say “Islam is of the devil” because the teachings of Islam and what that produces in lies, violence and oppression are of the devil. We hope and pray that Moslems will come out of Islam and become Christians.

If Jews deny that Jesus Christ was the Messiah, the Savior of the World, then their beliefs are also of the devil, in the sense that they will not be saved. However, there is much more hope for the teachings of Judaism leading people to a belief in Christ, since they are pointed constantly to the hope of the Messiah, than for the followers of Mohammad.

and this is the link to the contact page of the dove world outreach center that you can use to express yourself to this dipshit:

contact dove world outreach center

this is a chance to express yourself, so be creative.


Sue said...

thanks for the link..this is what I said to the devilman...

I'm embarrassed and disgusted. America is so much better than this stunt you are pulling. Islam is peace, christianity is hate. This is your fault, you are showing the world American christians are not tolerant of those who are different than themselves. It shows the world christians have hate in their hearts and this is not the teaching of Jesus, therefore those who think like you must be of satan...

puddy said...

nice. i told him that he is not a christian - rather, a hateful little bigot.

tom said...

Well their stupid site crashed,no doubt other like minded folk also tried to tell those asshats to ... well you know get a brain morans
(he he )
anyway a POX on the stupid, just like the right wingers who take assault weapons to political events, JUST CAUSE THEY CAN DON'T mean they SHOULD

Pierre said...

Can somebody tell me why this is different from shouting "fire!!" in a crowded building? I thought that was where our freedom of speech ended...