Monday, February 23, 2009

3 Former Latin American Presidents Urge End to Drug War

Here lays an interesting piece about a rational and sane approach to dealing with black market drugs and the drug trade. If you have thought clearly (or if you were stoned, objectively) about this subject before you probably are not going to read anything you haven't thought already yourself. However, the fact that the former heads of three countries- Brazil, Columbia, and Mexico- are writing an open letter calling for a reappraisal of a long failed global policy is a very productive development.

We in the U.S. need to be vocal in our disgust for a failed and painfully expensive policy. We can no longer afford prohibition. For more, see the new widget on the right.


Comrade Kevin said...

Well, not only that, but speaking plainly, The War on Drugs doesn't work.

puddy said...


Kup said...

Doh! Try it now.

Randal Graves said...

I think it's HIGH time we return a few death squads back down there!