* Federal prosecutors in New York and Washington resign after refusing to
drop Adams charges *
*At least six prosecutors, including the acting U.S. att...
1 hour ago
hey, at least the shmuck admitted he's a juicer. let's see clemens, mcguire, sosa, bonds, etc. etc. etc. be as much of man.
I think most of them do these days. Another reason to ignore professional sports.
Hey, same shit just a different baseball playa.
It's quite pathetic to me, a major baseball nut, that these guys would cheat using drugs that shrivel their nads and possibly cause cancer to get an edge.
Are they retarded, ignorant or just rolling the dice to get an edge?
i hear ya dusty... apparently a-roid was using a combination of steroids designed to mitigate the negative effects of anabolics. that's thinking ahead, eh?
I don't care what his excuse is..he is part of the steroid era..and it's pathetic for moi as a baseball fan.
Methinks they all did it until testing began. Any and all records are tainted.
and that breaks my heart.
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