Why is it that a flight from Tallahassee, FL going to Atlanta, GA costs twice what a flight to Washington D.C. costs for the same days and time given that the flight to D.C. stops in Atlanta?
That's right-- a flight that connects in Atlanta cost half what the flight to Atlanta costs on its own.
Remember this when Delta wants a bailout...
Book ~ "Further Confessions of a Slightly Neurotic Hitwoman" (2012) J.B.
From Goodreads ~
*Knocking off a drug kingpin was the last thing on Maggie Lee's to-do list
but when a tragic accident leaves her beloved niece orphane...
8 hours ago
Ignore the man behind the curtain and just take your lumps with the rest of us. :-)
I used to work for an airline. I hate to say it, but there is a valid business reason for this type of thing. The trouble is, the story is waay to long for a mere mortal to endure.
Oh, we'd be more than happy to endure such a long, and no doubt, tall, tale. ;-)
Valid business reason does not equal "makes coherent sense".
why wouldn't you just buy the dc ticket, then "miss" your connecting flight?
fibs - that's what i told him...
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