I seem to remember our fearless leader proclaiming Afghanistan to be a pretty nice place to live now that the Taliban and Al Qaeda have be driven from the country. Here's his qoute
"In Afghanistan, America, our 25 NATO allies, and 15 partner nations are helping the Afghan people defend their freedom and rebuild their country. Thanks to the courage of these military and civilian personnel, a nation that was once a safe haven for al Qaeda is now a young democracy where boys and girls are going to school, new roads and hospitals are being built, and people are looking to the future with new hope." SOTU'08....................
So what the hell is THIS ? Do these people truly believe the crap that spews from their zombie brains?
For starters, they did go after Canadians, which means there is progress in the sense that "they" don't just hate "us". Also, one could argue that 181 people might have been killed in that blast if NATO was not there....
"there is progress in the sense that they don't just hate us"...
So we've encouraged them to hate other types of white people? Is there any indication that the attackers knew these were Canadians instead of Americans... or that they consider there to be any significant difference between the two?
Maybe the Canadians will retaliate... shift this thing into the next level... and then its only a matter of time. We've been dodging those fucking Canucks long enough. They are blood thirsty and they are going to have their way in Afghanistan. Call it Little Ottawa from here on out.
And that gives them a strategic perch... peering into the Central Asian steppes, the thriving Eastern European capital markets, the long path of unstable ex-soviet nations leading down to the Mediterranean, and of course China...
What were our leaders doing while Canada was plotting their New Offensive? Who is responsible?
The next phase? The battle between the United States and Canada on Afghan soil (its cheaper than fighting them back here since we're already there and everything).
Obviously somebody knew... somebody was aware that this would be the inevitable last-straw in the Panama Jack hat that is U.S. foreign policy... but who?
Obviously, somebody wants blood... but not just blood... blood in an intriguing location.
Maybe somebody that's been there before and has some knowledge of the area.
...somebody looking for yet another conquest...
...another people to destroy...
Clearly that "somebody" is Sylvester Stallone. A nemesis was necessary for Rambo 5 and clearly he felt he had unfinished business with our polite neighbors to the north...
Well, I'll be the first person in line to watch the battle, the filming of the battle, and the proceeding awards ceremony.
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