Saturday, January 17, 2009

Big Inaugural Balls

I love this picture. I wish there were another 11 months of these, I'd make a calendar.

I have an announcement to make:

Do you wish you were in DC this weekend? Are you disappointed about having to watch Inauguration 2009 on TV? Faithful readers of IE, fear not. The blogger formerly known as Hanoi Jake will be blogging live from inside the beltway, to bring you all of the Inaugural sights and sounds, first hand. Armed with his trusty Nokia N72 and a $40 Starbucks gift card (Thanks Uncle Ronnie), he has set out to provide us with full coverage of all the main events, from Saturday until Tuesday, as long as he does not get too drunk.

From Security Checkpoints on the Potomac bridges to the bar stools of the District's cheapest drinking establishments, and all points in between, our man formerly of Hanoi will be there. His insight and poetic musings will entertain you, inform you and possibly disturb you. It's not to be missed.

So, sit back, turn off your television, turn up your stereo and stay tuned. The revolution will not be televised. It will be blogged.


Randal Graves said...

Do I wish I was in DC this weekend? Hell with politics, thar be football on teevee!

Anonymous said...

You couldn't pay me to be in that mess!!!

Life As I Know It Now said...

you are hereby officially notified that you have been tagged.

Kulkuri said...

Like the picture except for two things, wrong party and wrong year. It should have been 8 years ago when the Fascists took over. Other than that it sounds about right.

Kup said...

I wish I was there, though I will probably change my mind later on. This is like the Million Man March, only with 2 million people.

Kup said...
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