Monday, January 26, 2009

The fucking war on profanity... bullshit. It sucks elephant cock. It sucks worse than a crack-whore's....

I hope you get the point. Either way, check this out:

Unreal. Stories like this almost make me hope we have a greater depression
that will render us unable to pay this turd's salary.

This on the heals of (death threats aside) this hysterical organization and campaign.

I really hope "loods" make a comeback...


Unknown said...

No one cusses more than moi.

But that said...threatening to kill someone over this shit is over the top, don't ya think? Wingnuts to the left of me, wingnuts to the right of me...jeez.

Comrade Kevin said...

Repeat after me. You cannot legislate morality. You cannot legislate morality. Period. End of argument.

Connecticut Man1 said...

Jesus Christ! Are they gonna outlaw that too? /smirk

puddy said...

fuck that.

Dick Tremayne said...

There is no shortage of people out there who are just waiting to be offended. While morals, tact and taste are all great things to have, CK nails the argument.. How do you judge and who the fuck are you to tell me how to live my life?

Pierre V. Ross said...

China doesn't know shit about being repressive... We do that shit right.