Thursday, January 22, 2009

Why multiply when you can divide?

Rush Limbaugh is many things; a blowhard, a hypocrite, a narcissist and a narrow-minded prick. None of this is news. And it shouldn't come as a shock that he's trying to steal the spotlight away from President Obama by pandering to his conservative fan base with the proclamation that he hopes Obama fails as a president. He knows, in doing so, he is sure to get publicity and I assist him in this cause by repeating his asinine remarks here. What his words truly convey is quite telling and I feel it's important to read between the lines of this message. In his latest little rant, he deliberately misleads his listeners into believing Obama's ultimate goal is the "absorption of as much of the private sector by the US government as possible, from the banking business, to the mortgage industry, the automobile business, to health care," drumming up unfounded fears in his listeners. He goes on to say, "What is unfair about my saying I hope liberalism fails? Liberalism is our problem. Liberalism is what's gotten us dangerously close to the precipice here." This is when I began to think the oxycontin was kicking in. Did liberalism decide to chase Osama bin Laden to Iraq when he was in Afghanistan all along running up a trillion dollar tab on the American people? Did liberalism allow gluttonous corporations to do as they pleased without any checks and balances whatsoever? What the hell is this douchebag talking about? You can blame greed, ignorance and laziness for the mess we've gotten ourselves into, but not a political philosophy or alternative lifestyle. The sticking point (especially for his 99.99% white audience) came in the following excerpt, "Were the liberals out there hoping Bush succeeded or were they out there trying to destroy him before he was even inaugurated? (No, because he stole the election and people were rightfully pissed off.) Why do we have to play the game by their rules? (For the past 8 years, they haven't at all. Where have you been?) Why do we have to accept the premise here that because of the historical nature of his presidency, that we want him to succeed? This is affirmative action, if we do that. (His true colors are showing here. It's a good thing Donovan McNabb wasn't elected VP.) We want to promote failure, we want to promote incompetence, we want to stand by and not object to what he's doing simply because of the color of his skin? (We have promoted incompetence with everything we have done for the past eight years. Deep down inside, Rush wants someone to save what's left of this country he loves as dearly as I. He just wants it to be saved by a white man.) Sorry. I got past the historical nature of this months ago. He is the president of the United States, he's my president, he's a human being, and his ideas and policies are what count for me, not his skin color, not his past, not whatever ties he doesn't have to being down with the struggle, all of that's irrelevant to me. (nice save.. almost) We're talking about my country, the United States of America, my nieces, my nephews, your kids, your grandkids. Why in the world do we want to saddle them with more liberalism and socialism?" Oy. These unimaginitive hatemongers keep going to the well with that same tired line of crap. America is not and will never be a socialist state. The message all these clowns have been clinging to is one of division instead of unity. The world isn't changing. It has changed. Just because the methods and solutions of our grandparents will not work today doesn't mean we shit all over the tradition and spirit of the greatest generation of Americans to ever live. We need to dig out of this hole with answers and efforts that transcend party lines, but that would dip into Limbaugh's profits. There is big money to be made in misery and fingerpointing. I hold on to the hope that this new wave of positive energy can fight against all these people who love to TALK so much, so that we are can once again become a country of patriots who remember what it means to actually DO.


puddy said...

fuck rush. hoping for the president to fail is hoping for the country to fail - obviously. and i think i can speak for many people that i wasn't rooting for bush to fail during katrina, iraq, 9/11 aftermath, etc., etc.

i did root for the pretzel though :)

Randal Graves said...

It's probably only me since I'm a jerk, but I think it would be comical for Rush to be given a debilitating virus, then the antidote, then another debilitating virus, and on and on for a while. And since we're the US and thus won't be completely getting rid of ALL black ops stuff, there's probably a hole we could toss in him for a while.

Kup said...

Yup....what Randal said.

Freida Bee said...

My prediction. Rush will be out of a job by the time obama gets re-elected, hopefully by means of death.

Not A Sock Puppet said...
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Not A Sock Puppet said...

Don't complain. The conservatives have a 3 times divorced drug addict and single "Christian" guy that uses Viagra and they call him the leader of their movement. Its like shooting fish in a barrel. lol