Herb Quintero is trying to live his own version of the American dream. He invested half a million dollars renovating a building in a somewhat dodgy section of Clearwater, FL to open a bait and tackle shop. Part of this investment was hiring an artist to paint pictures of gamefish like grouper and snook on the side of the building. The audacity!!! Shortly after opening up shop, Herb started getting fines from the Pinellas County stating that local ordinances forbid shop owners from putting up signs on the sides of business establishments. Um.. what sign; they are pictures of fish!?!? Herb tried to plead his case to local dickwad, Jeff Kronschnabl (director of development and neighborhood services), but was told to pound sand. Fearing an additional fine (the economy is bad enough, right?), Herb decided to cover up the mural... with an enormous sign depicting the First Amendment. Since then, Herb has been (slowly) gaining national attention, but his fight continues. If you'd like to voice your opinion (as many have) on this, feel free to contact Jeff Kronschnabl here. And before you do any fishing in the Tampa/Clearwater area, please show your support by stopping by The Complete Angler. This is a prime example of your tax dollars (if you happen to live in Pinellas County, at least) being pissed away on frivilous bullshit.
* Federal prosecutors in New York and Washington resign after refusing to
drop Adams charges *
*At least six prosecutors, including the acting U.S. att...
2 hours ago
Lets hope city hall loses for once...
I'd like to buy Herb some herb.
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