Friday, March 14, 2008

Best Poll Ever?

I'll just link the poll. Don't worry it's not as bad as you think, or is it? Thoughts on this moron?


Kup said...

The poll is second only to the photo on the right...

This question was my favorite: 6.
President Bush has shown great resolve in his determination to stabilize Iraq and deny terrorists seeking to harm the U.S. a safe haven. Do you feel the Republicans in Congress have stood strong with President Bush on Iraq?

Questions like this are what a poli sci major goes over in week one of their required junior level methods class as an example of bad form.

I answered every question as inconsistently as I could.

puddy said...

nuther good one:

Which of the following accomplishments do you feel is President Bush's greatest achievement?

Bradda said...

That pic is creepy. Look at Rick Santorum. He's thinking man on cheeseball sex I guarantee it.

Kup said...

The greatest achievement of the Democrat led congress: getting rid of Rick Santorum...