Tuesday, March 25, 2008


PBS is running a very interesting two part series “FRONTLINE:Bush's War. Watch this definitive documentary analysis of President Bush's war on terror, from 9/11 to the present.” You can watch it online for free at http://www.pbs.org/


.e. said...

A friend was just telling me about this. Maybe, this will be what I do tonight.

.e. said...

Then again, too much politics talk today so maybe I'll just continue watching Arrested Development on hulu.com. You should check out hulu if you haven't yet. Lot's of free television shows and movies with limited commercial interruption. Big Lebowski and Fear & Loathing to name a couple movies. Some Simpsons, SNL, Arrested Development, 30 Rock, Heroes, etc. too.

Kup said...

I thought he was fighting a war on Tera?

alzaido alzaido said...

I too was wondering what he has against Tera, but it turns out he just has trouble pronouncing the word terror. I hope that I will be able to understand the next president when he/she speaks.