Monday, March 17, 2008

No Re-Vote in Florida

Check it. And Check this.


Anonymous said...

Hillary's gonna cry, cry, cry. Her campaign goes by, by, by.

.e. said...

This is probably good for O'Bama (St. Patrick's Day), but this news doesn't mean that the delegates will not be seated. Some speculation is that they will be seated, but cut in half.

alzaido alzaido said...

I live in Florida. I didn’t decide to vote “early”. I was born in the US of A and have lived in this country my entire life. I have the right to vote as a US citizen. I have the right to vote, I did vote, yet my vote doesn’t count. Hmmmmm?

The revote idea is just another fiasco. If the original primary Florida election ends up getting counted that wouldn’t be fair because the public was informed before the vote that our votes would not count, so many prospective voters did not go to the polls. If we get to re-vote, our votes will reflect new information that had not come to light before our first election. Clinton needs to make sure a revote does not happen or she’s screwed period.

Bradda said...

You live in Florida. You should be used to having your vote disenfranchised.

alzaido alzaido said...

That’s a good point Bradda, but I don’t think I will ever get use to it. I am an optimist, perhaps a naïve optimist, but still an optimist. I hope that my vote will count one day. Your vote may not count either, but Florida’s follies are covered by the media heavily, in part because of the political clout of our last two governors. It still amazes me that Buchanan had some of his best results in one of the largest predominantly Jewish populations in the country (Palm Beach),

Bradda said...

My vote may not count? Voting is a silly past time like baseball. The rules have changed. Super delegates elect our electoral college who elect.....wait...the whole system is outdated and retarded. This election season only highlights how dumb the current "democratic" system is. Until then I vote for B muthahusseining Obama!