Monday, March 17, 2008

Our Government Should Increase Regulations

The U.S.A.’s lack of regulation in corporate affairs is completely mind-boggling. In this case I bring to your attention yet another food industry wrongdoing. I received this in the mail today.

First, If you look at the sender address you will notice that this is from Jan Koelemary, RD. The RD stands for registered dietician. You will have to look at the second line of the sender address to see who this card was really sent from.

Second, the card states that the presenter Theresa A. Nicklas, “is the author of the American Dietetic Association position paper on Dietary Guidance for Healthy Children…and served on the 2005 US Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee” yet she is getting PAID by the COCA-COLA COMPANY.

Does anybody else see a problem here?


Anonymous said...

coca-cola is just pure crap without bourbon.

Anonymous said...

All hail our corporate overlords!

I want to remind them that as a public spokesperson I can help reign in the masses to toil in your sugar mines.

K. Brockman

Bradda said...

Your doing a heck of a job Brownie! Keep it up.

Kup said...

This is depressing.

alzaido alzaido said...

The food industry definitely needs regulation. Consumers are getting their nutrition information from vendors. If you read the fine print on that card, you will notice that Coca-Cola performs its own clinical trials. Actually, all food corporations conduct their own research and clinical trials. The average American is getting his/her nutrition information from corporate advertising. Synthetic food products, GM foods, and over processed foods cause adverse reactions and they make up a large part of the US food supply.

Kup said...

In terms of the current system, are health food stores a viable alternative or more of the same crap?

alzaido alzaido said...

Consumers must be very wary of “health food stores.” Get in the habit of reading all food labels for yourself. Just because it is sold at a high dollar self proclaimed “health food store” does not mean that all of the foods that they sell are healthy. Do an experiment next time you are in one of those stores by looking in the cracker and cookie isle. See how many of the products on the shelf contain hydrogenated oils. Hydrogenated oils are created in a lab by chemically changing unsaturated fats to resemble saturated fats. The food industry’s spin is that saturated fats are bad for you, so this manmade product is better for you. In actuality hydrogenated oils cause human bodies to synthesize more cholesterol than saturated fats do. Hydrogenated oils are just one example of crap you will find at your local “health food store.” Check out products for artificial sweeteners too. They are also manmade and adversely affect human health. Here is an example that you can appreciate Sal. Many sugar free breath mints such as Breath Savers contain the artificial sweetener aspartame which causes excessive gas production in humans and can lead to extreme gastrointestinal pain and it is also a major cacogenic. Your best bet is to buy foods that are certified organic. Perhaps I’ll post more on this topic.

Anonymous said...

Stay smart, shop at "S" mart!


Anonymous said...

Is "S" Mart the one with the blue light special?