* Federal prosecutors in New York and Washington resign after refusing to
drop Adams charges *
*At least six prosecutors, including the acting U.S. att...
2 hours ago
That was a fun slideshow. China doesn’t suck. China is a great nation. I am sure that a lot of the information presented in that show was correct. Just because you don’t agree with China’s politics doesn’t make it a sucky nation. I like the part in the slide show when the presenter suggests that if people from other nations do not like their position on Tibet then they should start by giving back the lands of the countries that they occupy to the natives that they had originally stolen it from. Take the US for example; the world has never seen an equal pirate group. The United States was formed as result of piracy and continues to pillage and rape the world under the guidance of Captain George W. Bush and first mate Dick Cheney.
Please see the correction of my title.
Nice Sal, it's amazing what the addition of a question mark can do.
I really enjoy good propaganda. Of course, when the narrator wasn't telling me to fuck myself, he/she did have a few good points, especially very close to the end. The sad truth is that the U.S. is becoming more like China everyday, except that they make more products than us. The other difference is that we are better at brainwashing and stealing than them.
So F****** stick that in your craw!
That guy made a nice video. But he got a few of his facts actually quite wrong. The CIA wasn't funding the Dali Lama until well after the Korean war, in fact after WWII Tibet tried to send 3 delegations to the states to ask for support in thier cry for independence, and we didn't accept them. Read "Into Tibet" It's a great history of how we (america) dropped the ball on the Tibet issue, because we were too busy looking for Stalin's first nuke test, and sending billions to Chang Kai Shek, so that he could lose the civil war and fuck off to Taiwan, and send his army to Vietnam and start a drug dynasty. McCarthy and the China Lobby. DirectlyResponsible
look at the big brains on DR!!! nicely done.
I will comment on only 1 point, the dynasty now refeered to as the Yuan dynasty, is when Mongolia controlled the Eastern world, not China.
That was the worse piece of work i have ever seen in my life. That whole video didn't prove anything. If you think it did!! Then you are probably brainwashed. Just asked any historian, any scholar if the presented so called proofs are valid. Guarantee you they will say no!! Unless of course they were Chinese Historians. In that case, that video was the only thing needed to continue on the cultural genocide in Tibet. I hope you don't delete my comment. At least try to engage in some discussion. Don't be like mother China, doesn't like constructive criticism. Can't teach their own population communist ideals, have to worry about the money making, and now trying to re-educate the Tibetans.... Makes Perfect Sense??
china sucks great for stolen technologies, hegemonist, sugar daddies everywhere, exploitation, secret police's atrocities on the poor, eating dogs, snakes and human embyos*why not)..yes China is a great Nation.
Wen Jiabofucker
Great Leap Forward.....itz sugar daddies everywhere in china..
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