- Let us not forget Afghanistan. According to the United Nations: insurgent and terrorist violence in Afghanistan sharply increased last year, with more than 8,000 conflict-related deaths.(Click here for more)
- Apparently, one in four female Americans aged between fourteen and nineteen years has a sexually transmitted disease. As usual, they might have the right idea in India, where meditation techniques are being employed in the teaching if sex ed. I must confess that India might be the wrong place to look to for ideas related to contraceptives or birth control, kind of like looking to the United States for ideas on how to temper obesity and material consumption.
- Geraldine Ferraro (above), once served as Walter Mondale's V.P. nominee when together they won a total of 13 electoral votes, and that's 13 more than Ross Perot (right) or Ralph Nader ever got! She also seems to be a race baiter! In essence, her sentiments are that Barack Obama would never have made it has far has he has if he were white. Makes me wonder if she would have one more than a single state had she been on a ticket with Jessie Jackson in 1984... Hilliary Machiavelli seems to disagree altogether, claiming that he has not made it far at all and that she has all of the delegates.
Great Memes, Cont.
Hey guys, are any of you handy with a screwdriver? Asking for about 330M
1 hour ago
Geraldine Ferrari is right, and Regean rules.
Please, please, please spellcheck your posts! You'll seem much more intelligent than Mark.
"Hilliary Macheavelli seems to disagree altogether, claiming that he has not made it far at all and that she has all of the deligates"
er... it would take a lot more than that!
I'll take a deli gate sub on banana bread with cottage cheese please!
Thanks for the heads up. Drive by Blogs from work suck....
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