Much thanks to Davis for the tip on this little diddy. These assclowns are taking every little piece of the Iraq war pie that they can get their evil little fingers on. So Halliburton, KBR, Custer Battles (greatest war profiteer company name EVER!), et al, are allowed to charge us for every little contract they want. We still can't get our boys armored Humvees! Why doesn't the government open a few of those auto factories that have closed since the war? It would create much needed jobs for Americans and fully protect our troops. I guess if we can't get plain white towels for the troops, armored humvees are a stretch. Towels!?!
The Assholes Keep Getting Ground Up
A U.S. Army soldier has been arrested in Hawaii on charges that he
repeatedly struck a police officer with a flagpole during a mob’s attack on
the U.S. C...
1 hour ago
Apparently KBR is also in the business of giving our troops waste water to shower with... isn't that nice? abscesses, cellulites, skin infections and diarrhea OH MY!!!
Who loves the troops?
Bumperstickers do seem to be relentless in their love for the troops don't they?
I love the troops and hate you liberals that hate them.
uhm... so ya don't see how this thread is pro-troops eh? well... it is an illiterate electorate (i'm assuming your dumbass votes)
Where did it say in the post that I "hate the troops"?
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