Some Fries With Your Stupid, Alina Habba?
Hair Füror’s renowned legal scholar Alina Habba has thoughts: Alina Habba:
"There's a separation of powers for a reason. The executive branch is the
*and demands the judiciary branch obey his dictates.*
*Stunning. *
*Musk, a civilian no one voted for and who's never been vetted, wants to
Decarbonising Transport
This article explores the challenges and opportunities within Labour’s
plans for decarbonising transport, emphasising the need for clarity and
ambition ...
Is DEI the new N word?
These are crazy times, field hands. The felon is now fully in charge, and
prices have not gone down, there is looming economic chaos with his trade
Beholder Battle
Bing AI Copilot: Before we proceed with the current chapter in your ongoing
adventures, which involves Dervish Sanders and Ayla navigating the Hall of
We Don’t Need A New Theory Of EVERYTHING
Though things have indeed changed since this video was produced, it still
makes the infinitesimally tiny point! “Luminous beings are we; not this
Les synchronicités et la loi de l’attraction
Transcription de la vidéo sur les synchronicités et la loi de l’attraction:
Aujourd’hui, je parle de synchronicité. C’est la suite de ma vidéo sur mon
That's Mr. Award Winning Artist to you
The poster for my next show at Ravenworks Gallery in Johnson City, TN. All
are welcome except for anyone named Iwaniszek.
Also, I won the Believe in...
In Memorium
Tom Degan
To all Tom’s faithful readers of the Rant, we are sad to announce that he
passed away on December 7th, 2023. Thank you so much for th...
Not Goodbye, but See Ya Later
Hi everyone! You may have noticed that we've slowed down a bit on posting,
approving comments, and, well, pretty much our whole end of the deal. We'd
like ...
[12+] Dance Moms Abby
Created by Collins Avenue Productions the show follows the training and
careers of children in dance and show business under the tutelage of Abby
Lee Mil...
Murrmurrs 2.0
I don’t want to scare anyone unduly. I’m fine with scaring people duly. The
autocrats are demolishing human rights here and abroad. The wealthy are
ever we...
Joe Biden, the president of the United States. Not a perfect president, but
the perfect president for these post-Trump times. Earnest, unpretentious,
apologies for my absence
skippy, his co-bloggers and his followers are among my favorite people in
the world. real life has been challenging for me these last few years but i
got m...
letter to Tom, cc'd to old friends
Hi Tom,
Thanks to your note yesterday I finally got around to solving the problem
I'd run into in not being able to comment on your blog posts. Yes, I d...
Fuck the European Union
Yes I'm back alright. Here's the first thing I see on my blog dashboard:
Terms of ServicePrivacyContent Policy
European Union laws require you to give Euro...
I posted this on FB and didn't get any replies. Maybe here?
I have a honest and serious question for anyone in America. I don't want
arguments, I want opi...
Katy Perry - Hey Hey Hey
Saw her in concert at the Staples Center. She's brought out a massive and
gorgeous video screen in the shape of an eye this time. The fl...
Ways That You Can Support Our Work
*Share our podcast on social media.* You can also:
*1.* Give a recurring *monthly gift* via PayPal:
Option 1 : $5 USD - monthly Option 2 : $10 USD - month...
Asylum seekers launch hunger strike today
Razor Wire. Photo credit: Greg Chiasson Flickr
Nine detained asylum seekers in the US began a hunger strike this morning
from inside Adelanto Detention Cen...
Endangered Creature, Shemdangered Creature
Kill it.
I am trying to think of a more moronic motto than the one that Xyzal uses.
Maybe "Our Name Wins at Scrabble"? At least this thing can be taken to ...
sickness and dread
the gap between
fact and fiction
now hangs
by a thread
a tenuous
inside an
Orange Head
Such foulness
upon the land
wretched effluvium
we've b...
Completed Transition and Export to Wordpress.
I've finally completed exporting this blog to Wordpress. The new location
is My email will be changing shortly to
an en...
Lets fix this???
The electoral college does not vote until December 19th. We have 40 days.
What does this mean?
Right now, the presidential ...
Bagaimana kucing peliharaan sendiri
Baru-baru ini, keturunan anjing telah menjadi topik yang populer. I think
it's super manis untuk berpikir tentang bagaimana kemitraan kami menyebabkan ...
I have had with all sorts of shit....really
[image: ted cruz eating]So Missiffippiff says it okeey dokeey to not serve
Gay-Lesbian-Trans-Bi.....and they will check your ID to be sure...or make...
This Is The End
Our friend SteveAudio, (pictured above), has gone to that Great Gig In The
We miss you so much. "You have been, and will always be my friend."
April 14, 2015
Let me tell you about my week...
Directing 2 plays for Elementary schools in Dunlap (performances this week,
neither is ready). I was given one month of 1 ...
Losing It
I've been losing words
Old lover
Why am I standing in the kitchen
Bad habits, good health
Trying to gain weight
Wanting loss to matter
I cancel ancient ...
Acrylic Nail Supplies
Acrylic Nail Kits Wholesale#Acrylic Nail Kits Nails schoolAcrylic nails
suppliesAcrylic nails suppliesImproving the Beauty of Nails with Acrylic
Nails Supp...
Ok so besides the FBI,CIA,NSA, DHS, we now have armed agencies including
but not limited to IRS,NOAA, yep the weather people,of Course Border patrol
If you haven't heard this you Gotta listen.
Sorry about the ad. But awesome song,written by one of us!
Hat tip to the Ghost,somewhere in southern Ind among other places.
From noon to dusk on November 22, 1963, history went dark, locked inside
the closed and crowded cabin of Air Force One. Fifty years later, what
happened af...
Another conservative scheme to steal the Senate
states from seceding from the country – Article 1. But it does not ban
portions of...
Holding Time....
Taking a moment to really see the world....the Leaves changing...the crisp
autumn sky...the blues...the wispy clouds...Yesterday part of my day was
spent ...
*One Reason I Haven't Posted Much This Year* Yep. Just the thought of
Senator Ted Cruz(R-TX)makes me feel like comedian Lewis Black just before
his head ex...
NC vs. TN: A Race to the Bottom
Last month I wrote about how Tennessee welcomes you unless you're gay,
poor, or have special needs. I related how I was too embarrassed to tell
people wher...
This blog is not currently active.
It was used for many years but I now blog at Check it
out. But this one is only a warehouse for old posts.
Everythings Coming Up Roses!
From the Desk of Jamie Dimon, JP Morgan’s Big Chief in Charge of Bragging,
Boasting, & Corporate Victimization: Hey, kids! Well, our policies may be
A Very Telling Quote
McDonough manages to say *exactly* what is wrong with Big Food, Big Pharma,
Big Medicine in America in 81 words. Good job!
So here's where I get radical. ...
Great Depression II
From a N.Y. Times commenter:
I'm... an independent who could not bring myself to vote for any of these
republican candidates. In fact, I believe they would...
Come On Over to Our New Pad,
Hi! If you've come to us from the Washington Post article that mentions
PunditMom (yay! also a MOMocrat and running the 2012 election coverage at
Maher: Indicative of an Asshole in Real Time.
Update: Thanks to reader @ribletsonthepan for tracking down the clip in
question. I’ll try and find a more stable version, given that it may not
remain on ...
The Things Mothers Do For The Ones They Love
*"Don't worry Oscar, Lenny, Brenda, and Travis. If Mama's goin' down* (pun
only partially intended, but not really because there are the offspring
fish t...
Jane Harmon to step down
Jane Harmon leaving Congress to become the next President of the Woodrow
Wilson International Center for Scholars. I'm sort of surprised, but it's
quite a ...
SOTU warm-up & open thread
First off, from Bob Herbert's excellent NYT Op-Ed, on Social Security, *"Raising
False Alarms"* that begins with the line, "If there's a better government
Want What
A new poem....
Want What
I just want to separate
Jump out
This skin
Into thin air
Into ether
Into another body
Happier than me
Blankie release party Oct 1st!
Join us to celebrate the launch of Blankie™! a new designer blind box
series by design company Aarting. We’ll be hosting the official release
party which...
Final Blog
As most of you may have already heard, TheMom lost her long health battle
on July 3rd. I am sorry I couldn't post any sooner than this but there have
been ...
Odds & Ends Sunday
It's time to cook up a storm and restock the freezer with my homemade TV
dinners...First thing this AM I made a tamale pie from a new recipe
...turned out ...
Politics Plus has Moved
Please join me at our new location. I’ll
leave this site up, because it is where we have been, but I’ll be turning
off com...
Blog is Dead. Long Live Blog.
Well, my inner defeatist has triumphed over my better intentions.
Considering I have nothing to add in terms of half-enlightened commentary
to this ongoing...
The End
No - not exactly the end, but a departure of sorts.
I am going to take a break here. I'll be back or I will turn up elsewhere.
Don't worry, I am not that...
UFC 98 Happening This Very May 23rd
...And oh what an event it threatens to be. Tapped for May 23rd at the MGM
Grand Garden Arena (you can catch it on PPV starting 10 PM Eastern), this
Sometimes There Are No Words
One of my favorite bloggers and frequent commenters has suffered a terrible
Fair and balanced commentary from a modest and reasonable conservative.
I saw this a coupla days ago and it pissed me off then too. That lady should be taken out back and beaten with a garden hose till she "turns" gay!
Is that how it's done?
According to people like that, flogging is how you "cure" homosexuality. What an ultramaroon.
the homosexual mafia is destroying this country along with the muslims this is a great country and you liberals are french.
Shit, I WISH I was French! I could get my teeth fixed.
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