Why did it take an "exhaustive review" to prove that there was NO evidence that Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda were ever in bed together? Yet it only takes the president, V.P., and a handful of neocon hawks to convince America that Iraq and Al Qaeda were the same. Seems trivial to those of us who knew about the facts, like there NEVER was any evidence linking Iraq and Al Qaeda. It was all made up people. Why are we still talking about this? Are we trying to get a new generation to look into things we already know? Seems redundant. Like the "exhaustive review". Priorities people.
The Assholes Keep Getting Ground Up
A U.S. Army soldier has been arrested in Hawaii on charges that he
repeatedly struck a police officer with a flagpole during a mob’s attack on
the U.S. C...
1 hour ago
Of course they didn't find any documents linking Saddam Hussein to Osama Bin Laden, Hussein destroyed them all!
Or by destroying them you mean they never exisited then OK.
If you think the evil one was not in Iraq you are stupid. The Arabs hate freedom.
Who the hell is "the evil one"? Pinhead from Hellraiser? Freddy Kruger?
We get A LOT of anonymous people in here!! Heh
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