Friday, March 28, 2008

Late Late Music...

I thought this was poignant for John McCain to use for his inauguration speech. I'm just saying, the press has been giving him a massive free pass. Oh, and he's an asshole. John McCain will be our next president! You heard it here. "Here comes sickness...controlling my country"


Kup said...

Good post brutha...but I hope you are wrong about McCain being president. I would not like that at all.

alzaido alzaido said...

Of course you are right in regards to the free pass that McCain has been issued by the media lately; however, things are really going to heat up in the general election. I hope that for the world’s sake, McCain is not our next president. I enjoyed your post, but I thought the video would have been better if they had written, “Bush Administration” along with all of those other terrible sicknesses.