This article was posted on Press TV.
.....................................................................................................................McCain: Hasty Iraq pullout boosts Iran
Wed, 19 Mar 2008 01:55:16
Hasty pulling out of Iraq is a 'mistake' that would boost up Iran and al-Qaeda and damage America's credibility, Sen. John McCain claims.
"Visiting Iraq ... it just becomes so palpably clear what a mistake it would be if the United States precipitously withdrew our forces,'' McCain told reporters in Jordan on Tuesday before moving on to Israel.
"The victors in that (pullout) would be the extremists, and America would lose its credibility,'' he added."Al-Qaeda and the Iranian extremists would be the winners,'' claimed McCain.
The claims came after McCain met with US and Iraqi diplomatic and military officials in Baghdad on Monday.
The Arizona senator, however, failed to elaborate on the negative effects of the long-fought war in Iraq which was supposed to be quick and cheap.
He was a strong supporter of the 2003 invasion of Iraq and US President George W. Bush's troop increase last year.
McCain, the likely Republican nominee for the US presidential election this year, has linked his political future to America's success in Iraq.
My Thoughts and Questions
I learned in grade school that we study history to learn from decisions of the past. When studying history, one has the advantage of hindsight to see how all decisions in regards to matters played out. McCain’s support of the Iraq war baffles me, in part, because he is a Vietnam veteran. Apparently he did not learn the lessons that the majority of our citizens have learned from the conflict. Additionally, he is still playing the fear card in his speeches. Is it possible that McCain really believes the Bush rhetoric? Does he really believe that he can eliminate Al-Qaeda, Iran, and all other Bush proclaimed “Evil-Doers”? McCain made it clear yet a gain today that a vote for him means a continued war with Iraq and a soon to be war with Iran. Will he go after the other member of the “Axis of Evil” (AKA N. Korea) too?
I am pro-Israel, and I have to say that even before today's coverage of Mccain's visit to Israel with Lieberman, I have to wonder if a lot of this interest that Mccain has in Iraq is in conjunction with the two factors: 1. protecting the region; protecting Israel 2. the money/the oil.
One could also argue that warring is in his blood. Didn't Bill Mar comment last week on Real Time that Mccain comes from a long lineage of war veterans. That living in a constant state of war is what is most natural to him. Perhaps that is true. Plus, Mar also kept saying, "and he's old. he's so old!" It was funny.
i'd say most of the crap coming out of McCain right now is rhetoric aimed at motivating the base. i'm not sure he even reads the script.
"McCain Might Have Dementia" - Might???
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