Thursday, August 14, 2008



Bradda said...

What a beautiful sunset!

Anonymous said...

I like mushrooms!

Brian Kupfer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kup said...

I would love to watch McCain eat shrooms and look at himself in the mirror while listening to Floyd's "Careful with that Axe Eugene".

Anonymous said...

NOOOOOOOOO. What if it started flapping those penguin arms? Just: No.

enigma4ever said...

okay...I have nothing but rude thoughts...I am not sure of the point of the post....but it is alovely mushroom cloud...

Randal Graves said...

I like to think of this post as the coda to the previous one. Pass them beans!

Kup said...

Enigma- There really was no point. I've been saying for a while that the coutnry is in a really cranky mood (and for good reason) so I thought I would take it to an extreme...ya know, the whole picture being worth a thousand words. And your right, it is, if nothing else, a lovely could.

Helen- What do you think he would think of his penguin arms under such circumstances?

Kup said...

Enigma- There really was no point. I've been saying for a while that the coutnry is in a really cranky mood (and for good reason) so I thought I would take it to an extreme...ya know, the whole picture being worth a thousand words. And your right, it is, if nothing else, a lovely could.

Helen- What do you think he would think of his penguin arms under such circumstances?

Kup said...

Enigma- There really was no point. I've been saying for a while that the coutnry is in a really cranky mood (and for good reason) so I thought I would take it to an extreme...ya know, the whole picture being worth a thousand words. And your right, it is, if nothing else, a lovely could.

Helen- What do you think he would think of his penguin arms under such circumstances?

Anonymous said...

I think they'd flap 'til they fell off, don't you think?

AND I still want to know what he's storing in those cheeks.

Anonymous said...

Should I have answered 3 times?

Distributorcap said...

to some people (many of whom are in power) this is the ultimate big-o

Bradda said...

I'm sorry but penguin arms still makes me laugh like a freak. Your sick Helen but in an awesome way!

Anonymous said...

OH I'm so glad I've infected you with the inability to visualize McLame ever again w/out thinking of a waddling, flapping penguin. THat's my goal! Now, it if would only work on the idiots who plan to vote for him!