Thursday, August 14, 2008

God Loves Comedy Gold...

I DARE you all to watch this and not piss your pants in hysterics! Way too many horrible things have been going down lately. We all need a good laugh...


Kup said...

Unreal. Where did you find that?

Bradda said...

Sal, the tubes are a strange and magical place! Did you piss yourself?

Kup said...

I hope that was just piss ;)

alzaido alzaido said...

Now that's funny! I can't tell if it's real or a spoof. I can't tell if the farts are dubbed or his ass is miked. I called the # to get some answers. To my horror it is out of service. Bradda, thanks for sharing this gem. Yeah, I think I'll go change my underwear now.

Anonymous said...

I pissed. And got tears.

Here's the deal: I saw this 12 years ago on VHS tape! A friend had a bootlegged copy. Thanks for posting this because I couldn't find it last time I looked! There are other farting preachers but THIS is the original and the best!!

The first time I saw it, I nearly cracked a rib laughing.

Great stuff... I wonder who finally got it up on YouTube because last time I searched was just about 1 year ago (I know I'm weird).

Bradda said...

Al, it's totally dubbed in and dubbed in WELL!

Helen, I had seen this awhile back but someone put it back up. Thank God for that. I had forgotten how funny it actually was. Your no weirder than I! ;0 BTW, what's "VHS"??

Anonymous said...

I second that on the dubbing. Someone has really great comic fart timing. The walking down the hall w/accompanying farts is the one that pushes me over the edge.

alzaido alzaido said...

No, it was to perfect to be dubbed. Imagine the training that a person would have to endure to master that art. He obviously felt the power of the Lord literally pass through his body.

Anonymous said...

I'd truly love to believe that.

enigma4ever said...

well, Helen I did not see you most of the day and Now I know you were over here laughing your head off....omg..toooooo funny...

Anonymous said...

The only thing that could drag me away is Will Sasso doing Kenny Rogers doing Jackass. That fucking kills me. Yep, I have been hanging out here quite a bit. I like these guys!!!

Randal Graves said...

God loves all of his creations, even flatulence. Amen.

enigma4ever said...

Bradda dear- go read BRUCE BLOG- right now and read the PUMA posts- it is updated about HOW well- the Hillary Revolt is really going....promise it will make you feel so much better....MUCH...

Bradda said...

randal, I always said there were 3 comedy golds. Monkeys, midgets and flatulence. If you combine any of the watch out because it may be too funny for your health!

helen, One of the few bits that I actually dig from Mad TV!

enigma, The PUMA pac are out of their minds! I can't get it this much more as the anger grows...

Anonymous said...

Everytime I cut a fart, an angel gets his wings.