Friday, August 29, 2008

Palin... WTF???

So, McCane selected Sarah Palin as his running mate. Niiiiiiiiiice...

This shores-up any doubts about his judgment.

He’s chosen somebody without legitimate experience, who believes in creationism, and is currently mired in a legislative investigation.

This is good, folks.

But aside from crapping all over the wrinkled white dude and his fag-hag, I'm just in awe of the Democratic Party right now. Democrats are literally glowing, and not just the one's who grew up near Love Canal.

Seriously, I can't remember a time when the Democrats seemed this united, focused, determined, and most importantly, competent. This convention has left me optimistic. When's the last time we were optimistic about government? 1968???

Let's hope Barack and Joe are up to this final sprint. The RNC is going to be fantastic... like a train wreck.

Happy Labor Day weekend... try not to labor.


dguzman said...

It's almost too good to be true, isn't it? It's like "oh, she's a chick who's pro-life, pro-drilling, pro-business, pro-death penalty, and pro-hate-the-fags! She's practically a guy! She's the one!"

And you're so right about the dems. I haven't felt this proud to be a democrat in such a long time. When Obama said, "It's not that John McCain doesn't care. It's that he doesn't know.... He doesn't get it" I practically burst into tears. He nailed it.

Randal Graves said...

Of course it's too good to be true. This is Murka, people. I'll believe it when I see the dude sworn in on January 20.

Mariamariacuchita said...

Yes, I'm really happy they picked this palin person, not sure if I should go out on a limb and actually call her a woman, though.

Distributorcap said...

she calls her husband the first dude
i wonder what she will call McPOW

Billie Greenwood said...

lookin' forward to the Biden/Palin debate on foreign policy...

Pierre V. Ross said...

I cried like a thirteen year old girl through Obama's entire speech. Next week is already Palin in comparison. Yeah, i said it...

Comrade Kevin said...

No need to worry. I shan't labor much.

Kup said...

The folks in the "msm" keep mentioning that she has 2 years experience as gov, which is 25% off. she has a year and a half experience. I wish these and all bastards would stop rounding up.

Anonymous said...

I thought instantly it was political suicide but the spinnies are gonna make sure 'murkins love them some Palin!

It's so weird.