Thursday, August 21, 2008

McCain does not know how many houses he owns...

This is a man that is going to be in touch with the average American? He literally has to rely on his staff to account for all of he and his taxidermied Aryan's homes. Either he is too old or too rich to remember or care. Sure, this is something all those racist blue collar workers that are going to vote for him anyway so they can become permanently crippled economically and spiritually can relate too....


Anyone that makes under a million U.S.D. a year that votes for McCain will get what they deserve. Hell, anyone that does so should get a free flight to Nairobi to live with Obama's brother for a month so they can see if they like shanty living, because 4 more years of this, and that's how most of us will be living, if there is any cellular life remaining.


Anonymous said...

I must put to rest, once and for all, the notion that some detractors have that Barak Obama is not patriotic. Here is a video clip of him showing proper respect for the flag during the Singing of the Star Spangled Banner: .

Notice the look of Ecstasy in Obama’s eyes. Most women recognize this look as the one their spouse has when they take of their bras behind a locked bedroom door. Notice also the position of Obama’s hands over his heart. The other candidates can’t seem to find their hearts, but Obama certainly finds his. Notice also the way Obama stands, shifting his weight around. He is fully aware of his state of arousal and is taking precautions to avoid letting the crowd see him wet his pants. Patriotism like this I have not seen in a Century!

Kup said...

Dear Anonymous (ie Little Texan)- When your down there in the butcher shop known as Texas wonderin' how yous American flag became yous last possession the bank ain't seized (pause-spit), you'll know they can't take away yous vote for McCain.

When you left that post, did you hear Rush's voice praising you inside your litte Texan head? You did, didn't you? Comoe on, admit it....

Anonymous said...


Era duro que traduzca a inglés apropiado para expresar mis pensamientos.

No hablo a Hillbilly fluido como usted.

Un disculpar si mi alabanza de Barak Obama era entendida mal.

El Grande Borrocho

Randal Graves said...

Hey, go easy on Johnny, I don't know how many homes I own either. I've got a old Monopoly box that's probably missing a few, plus the new Simpsons Monopoly. That's a lotta houses.

Mariamariacuchita said...

Quick reference: I am not a troll, just a hapless nosy bystander sent by enigma.

But, hey, sal, no need to make it all personal about the state of Texas....that's there are no trolls from your area, right? RIGHT!

We have at least 4 or 5 progressives in my Texas town, so lay off. BYW, Texas is goin' BLUE in this election!

If anonymous #1 wants to jerk off on his own morbid fantasies and worries that McLame will spew at the end, so what?

I'll take issue with #2s funky spanglish though. And the big drunk one, he say he like Obama and no mean to make bad reference.

Anonymous said...


Are you some kind of Right Wing Nut or something? That "Little Texan", as you refer to him, is the only person thus far to mount a credible defense of Barak Obama's Patriotism on any Liberal Blog.

That "Troll" refers to the way Obama puts his hand over his Heart. Isn't that the Patriotic thing to do during the Star Spangled Banner?

You make a personal attack, which is somehow supposed to establish your creds as a Leftist, but you do not pay attention to what the alleged Troll said. He was actually defending your alleged point of view. You do not even bother to discuss substance, and agian I ask, is that supposed to establish yor creds as a Lib?

You call yourself a "Liberal Democrat"! I'm ROTFLMAO at that assertion. You're to the Right of Rush. You must be listening to the G. Gordon Liddy Show or some extreme Right Wing Nut or something because you're too Rightwinged, even for Rush!

puddy said...

whoa!!! hold on a sec... now we have "alleged" trolls and "alleged" points of view?

was that alleged comment intended to allegedly make any sense?

sal, please defend your status. your alleged liberal democrat-ness is being challeged.

well... this is the illiterate electorate... (allegedly)...

and sal, one more thing. lay off texas ya idiot-buttfucker. you know as much about it as you know about quantum physics... allegedly.

Anonymous said...

Sal, for some reason, that graphic is not showing up in my browser (unless I right click it & open it in another window). Just FYI.

Randal: LOL! We'll all be living in tiny plastic houses if McLame steals the election.

Bradda said...

Jeez, where'd all these Anons come from? Did they close an asylum?

Mariamaria, Don't let Sal offend you and the state of Texas. He's the guy from office space who is listening to gangsta rap really loud and posturing until a black guy walks up. Then he locks the door! Sal probably drove 110MPH through your state in a sheer panic. Drop by anytime!!

alzaido alzaido said...

So he doesn't know how many houses he has. Don't Americans admire that? It makes him more of a regular Joe because most Americans would like to own countless homes so they can squander more resources. Sometimes I forget how many I have. Then I remember that I can count all of them on one finger.

Anonymous said...

Guys lay of Sal, he's a good guy and we are all democrats/ Obama supporters at the end of the day. No matter where we are from, what part of the country. We need to fight this apparent closing of the polls otherwise we will really have a third term Bush presidency.

Bradda said...

crian, We here at IE reserve the right to defend our opinions. If Sal is going to make wild generalizations about the state of Texas then MariaMaria has a right to defend her state. Oh and BTW, we already have a Rodney(cant we all just get along)King and his name is Puddy. In Project Mayhem in death you recieve a name. His name was Puddy.

puddy said...

crian - right on. i've known sal to be a pretty good guy for most of the 15 year tenure of our friendship... allegedly.

Anonymous said...

Austin TX rocks!! I hope Sal didn't speed too fast through there, I had the BEST chocolate martini downtown in May when I visited! Too bad I didn't know mariamaria yet.

It's a curious coincidence that my moronic, delusional troll-stalker from Tx is M.I.A. today and one from TX is stinking up your boards, don't you find?

puddy said...

helen!!! how are you going to retain your status as troll-hoarder if you can't keep better track of them?

we promise to return him as soon as we've had our fun with him... i hope you don't mind him coming back with a few bumps and bruises though...

Anonymous said...

Oh please, I have no use for damaged goods. You keep him! Really! YES: I'm THAT generous!

Bradda said...

Well, due to the troll poor Dcup has had to enable comment moderation. Poor girl comes over to leave us a nice comment on gets a giant tick that followed her. I have set the IE so that no more Anon's can post. Fuck them!

Bradda said...

I just realized this is actually a GOOD thing for us. Maybe he'll forget that he's running for the White House! We'll just tell him he already owns it then he'll go take a nap.

Anonymous said...

Fucking brilliant, Bradda!!! Good one!

Pierre V. Ross said...

You guys are fascists. Let anybody post thier nonsense. Aren't we liberal democrats? Don't we have to tolerate that kinda stuff?

Kup said...

Mariam- I stand by my ignorant distaste for Texas. I have had nothing but horrific experiences, some real, many imagined. Either way, I hate the place and everything it represents, like state sanctioned murder of the mentally ill, Tom Delay, rigged districts, Applebees, ect...

Someone, I think Bradda, suggested that I am hiding. In a sense this is true, as a tropical storm is coming toward me at a very slow pace, and my mother in law is here. Besides, Bradda has the same ignorant opinions towards me that I have about Texas, and I don't take them personally. We all must be ignorant about something, or there would be no South Park.

I should also point out that our anonymous poster is from Texas. Gotta love Statcounter. Should I post his ip?

Kup said...

or her ip?

Kup said...

And wow, that Obama ad rules!

Kup said...

And wow, that Obama ad rules!

DivaJood said...

I would be happy to take one of McCain's houses off his hands, since he doesn't know how many they've got.

Anonymous said...

Ha! DivaJood I'm with you on that one. Gimme a house, I could use one.

Hanoi Jake, as long as we're making sure the gov't isn't censoring the trolls, we've done our job. Would you let just anyone into your own living room?

Anonymous said...

Sal, what part of Tx was the IP from? I bet it was my troll-stalker. It likes to post off-topic and sway the thread its way.

Randal Graves said...

Allegedly Texas gets real hot. Thus, I allegedly hate Texas because I allegedly hate hot weather.

I just wanted to throw my alleged opinion out there. I am not a troll though I am allegedly not handsome.

On to something FAR more important than the race to decide which rich bastard gets to fuck up the country next, the evil one or the really evil one, are we really going with just six teams in your fantasy league?

Kup said...

Helen- The turd is from Brownsville. Is it the same troll?

Randal- I hate the heat too, which is rather paradoxical, as my favorite NBA team is the Miami Heat.

Anonymous said...

I kinda doubt it, then. The piece of crap that stalks me is from the Dallas/Ft. Worth area.

Anonymous said...

Actually, what was the IP? That would tell us for sure!

Elsie said...

I don't care much for Texas redneck "culture" myself. I hate red necks. But I wouldn't mind some slap and tickle with a Texas gal, y'all. One with the BIG hair... so long as she didn't have a bufont bush.

Dean Wormer said...

I loved yesterday. For years we've been lectured by the Veruca Salts of the world and told we were the ones that were spoiled children.

Serves the elitist old prick right.

Bradda said...

Dean, "The elitist old prick". I'm pretty sure that's what Secret Security nicknamed him!