For those who have HBO, I highly recommend checking out the documentary they are running called "Baghdad High". It follows four Iraqi teenagers through their final year in school and the trials and tribulations of living in Baghdad as a young Iraqi. The four boys all have different religious backgrounds(Kurd, Sunni, Shia, and Christian) and all attend the same school in Baghdad. They were given cameras and the movie is basically a vlog of their daily lives during the school year. What results is amazingly similar to what you'd expect from giving four American teenagers a camera for a year. They pine over girls, crank the music, argue with their Moms(gasp!), worry over upcoming exams in school, and oh yeah, goof off like crazy terrorists teenagers. My better half and I came away thinking if only this kind of movie could have a huge opening like "The Dark Knight". I truly believe that if more of the pro-war/anti-Arab citizens in this country could see that the kids in this movie could easily be their own, maybe they'd think twice about war and the politicians they vote to "protect" them by starting wars.
Great Memes, Cont.
Hey guys, are any of you handy with a screwdriver? Asking for about 330M
2 hours ago
Thanks for posting this amigo...I will check this out tonight.
Bullshit lefty propaganda. Iraqi teenagers know only one thing: to kill lovers of freedom with a bomb strapped to their backs!
I'm so glad I have HBO and I'm so MAD I missed this. How many episodes have aired? Well, they usually re-run them. Problem is, they don't # episodes for their series (grrrrr) and I'm always confused. Did you see REcruiter? That was a good one to watch as well.
Randal, The BBC is a total hiipy rag!
Helen, I think the link I put up has the schedule if you scroll down for all the times that it'll rerun.
Sounds great. I'll try and catch it.
I have to ask whether the Iraqi students ever wind up in detention and find out through a series of hijinks that deep down even the son of a Shia mullah and the daughter of a Sunni general just want to be loved when you cut through it all.
Dean, There's a pretty heavy moment when Saddam is executed. You get the Shia kid who lost an uncle to Saddam and he's happy. Then you have the Sunni and he's crushed.
Thanks for the heads up on this Bradda. ;)
dusty, No prob and only one link! ;)
HEY I saw it night before last, really great, what a cool thing to be able to see into their lives and culture. I really dug how affectionate all the men are to each other!! Very kissy kissy! Here they would be reviled for being gay in public.
America sucks lately.
That was pretty wild huh? They were all very affectionate with each other. The chubby kid was a hilarious ham huh? America sucks lately? Like 8 years?? Heh...
I caught a piece of it today. I was amazed at how calm (or unbowed) by the sound of gunfire in the background. I gotta catch it when it comes on. Thanks for the tip.
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