I will keep this short for this is a very saturated topic on the Internets. I will predict right now that it is not going to be Biden. I like Joe and wouldn't mind him as the choice, its just my gut that they are putting us on the wrong path right now to maximize the impact of the announcement. I also think that picking Joe would be an admission that Obama is weak of foreign policy, and I don't think Obama thinks he is weak there, and I also think he is right about that.
I have no idea who he is going to pick, but if I had to guess, it will be Kaine from Virginia.
But enough of the chit chat, here is some classic Woody Allen from the film Bananas. My favorite part occurs 3:36 seconds in:
No Corruption or Self-Dealing Here, No Sirree!
The State Dept. is going to spend $00 million on armored Teslas.
Yep, no corruption, here. Betcha that'll be one government contract that
the DOGEholes wi...
15 minutes ago
I think Biden would would boost Obama across the nation. Kaine would only give him Va.
The jury at 4:43 is pretty accurate.
I favor Biden because he shores up Obama's most glaring weakness--a lack of experience, particularly in foreign policy.
Bananas used to be my favorite Allen film, but with time, I have favored Love and Death more.
I think the VP should be a banana. Now that's some fuckin' change.
Of course it's going to be Biden. Next question...
Contempt, Very true about Kaine. It actually doesn't even guarentee Obama Virginia.
Comrade Kevin, Also true about Biden. Very real or MSM generated, Obama has a huge hole in foreign policy. Biden would fix that in a heartbeat.
Randal, Let's go with a cumquat just because it'll be much more fun to say during the debates!! 6 teams will be fine with me BTW.
bradda - actually, nothing is more fun to say than obamabanana. try it...
Agreed. Looks like Kaine to me.
Three things:
1. Has either Kaine or Biden been interviewed by the infidelity police? Because that's what's REALLY important, even more important than, say, the economy.
2. I like to say obamarama.
3. Woody's old movies are his best works, except perhaps for the delectable Annie Hall. But the vignette where is is dressed up as a sperm about to parachute out of a plane is brilliant.
Too bad he wasn't checked by the infidelity police.
Our crappy connection won't let me see the video. Please tell me it's a mockery of a sham.
I won't even hazard a guess on the VP pick, but I will assume that it's someone who wears underwear, unlike those considerations Spears and Hilton.
and great clip
Biden's got it.
I am a bit torn on the Biden idea, he seems like a nice guy and that an Obama/Biden ticket would have some good mojo but we will have to wait until the introduction today.
in two weeks
Joe who?
it all comes down to scary black man and the GOP terror tactics -- will america fall for it
Obama needs someone strong with the creds, chutzpah and articulate analysis to fight off the nasty rightwing attacks that which have only begun to appear and will get nastier. The gloves are coming off, but it will be Biden as his attack dog.
Good points....and well, I was wrong.
Very genlemenly of you Sal. I need to take a screen shot of this...
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