All of my misfortunes come from having thought too well of my fellows. - Rousseau
I have been silent on all of this V.P. speculation, for I find it to be about as purposeful and interesting as trying to guess what Clay Buchholz's first pitch will be on Friday. That stated, I do want to express, on the pubic record, what a horrific mistake it would be for Sen. Obama to select Sen. Bayh as his Veep. The guy is antithetical to everything I loved about Obama during the primaries.
I understand that this is the time when I, a somewhat avid Obama supporter during the primaries, am supposed to feel dissed and jaded at this point in the process. That is the way the game is played in this Republic. Its kind of like a Barry Sanders move-- dash to the left, then to the right and finish up somewhere in between. I get that, and I'm ok with it, to a point.
Which brings me to my point. Sen. Bayh and Sen. Obama (along with former Sen. Nunn) made a public appearance today in Indiana, fueling speculation that one of these two will be selected for as Obama's running mate. Forget the fact that the Republicans can use any number of Bayh's rants from the primary about how unqualified Obama is against this terrible potential ticket.
In my firmly held opinion, Bayh is a bland, centrist ball of dough that brings nothing to the ticket but the hope that small town, working class white male voters might somehow accept Obama if he is selected. Lets face it, prejudice voters will not punch their ballot for Obama no matter who he selects, even if it means they will never work or have health care again. Bayh is not going to bring enough corn or coal "cred" to get Obama very many votes. Hell, he would probably do better to select David Duke if that is his strategy. And lets be honest, that would be a much more interesting ticket.
Obama needs to go a tad out of the box with this selection. There are many good choices, such as former Sen. Bill Bradley, Gov. Bill Richardson, or Gov. Brian Schweitzer of Montana. All good choices that could rev up the base and appease certain hesitant elements in the middle. I could even live with Sen. Clinton or her husband Bill. But please, Sen. Obama, don't select Bahy...I would hate to think that voting for you will make me feel as cheap as it did when I voted for John Kerry.
* Federal prosecutors in New York and Washington resign after refusing to
drop Adams charges *
*At least six prosecutors, including the acting U.S. att...
1 hour ago
1 comment:
Lets face it, prejudice voters will not punch their ballot for Obama no matter who he selects, even if it means they will never work or have health care again.
Thank you.
"I sure do hate, them, you know what I mean, but Barry picked him one of us, so he's got my vote now!"
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