Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I know who might have written this....


Unknown said...

Christ, they took the dish too?

Hey..this is great: Watching democracy circle the drain.

Thanks for stopping by my humble abode. Love your blog, you got your head on straight dude..and btw, where did you get the template if I may ask?

Bradda said...

Hey Dusty, thanks for dropping a line and the blog love is reciprical. The template was created from a blogger original then tweaked by our resident blog Dr. Kreplech. He's an elusive poster but one hell of a blog mechanic!

Unknown said...

It has a similar color scheme to mine, but it's a much cleaner template.

I blogrolled your blog on my group blog as well:

Bradda said...

Cool, thanks for the love Dusty, I'll link both your sites. The Chronicles site is amazing! Great work...