Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Where's the Right-Wing Love?

This is an open call for all of the illiterate electorate's new blog friends and some old ones too! I was thinking of how angry I used to get back in'04 when I would be out and about and would see those wretched "Bush/Cheney'04" bumper stickers everywhere. It took all my might not to smash their windshields and then leave a note saying, "Nadar was Here!". So, it got me to thinking. When I ride my bike through the streets of West L.A., I have yet to see ANY McCain bumper stickers. Not one! Is the lunatic fringe not proud of their man-fossil? I see Obama swag everywhere!

So I came up with a little project. If you see any McCain stickers, take a picture of them. Note where you were and maybe what kind of car or truck(I'm betting mostly trucks!) it was on. After a week or so we can all put a post with the pics and the notes and see what the tally is. I got a feeling the number will be low but that's mainly because right-wingers tend to hide like vampires out here in La-La Land. Maybe this can be part of the Shit From Shinola campaign?

So the challenge is there I.E.! Please visit our friends(listed in no particular order) to see how it pans out: Just Ain't Right, Journey's With Jood, My Saturday Evening Post, Watergate Summer, PoliTits, DistributorCapNY, franiam, lennui-melodieux, Liberality, Pulp Friction, The Unconventional Conventionist, Zaius Nation, Okjimm's Eggroll Emporium, Monkey Muck, Impeachment and Other Dreams, Jonestown, Earthbound Misfit, Dusty' Right to be Left of Center, The Dean's Office, Omnipotent Poobah.

Oh, who am I kidding, GO visit these blogs because they'll give you six-pack abs and a better sense of humor. You might just learn something too! Also if you drop them a comment, you just might here back from them(Gasp!).


puddy said...

what are "abs"?

Kup said...

Krep- Abs are those steel things inside your stomach.

Bradda- Great idea! I am moving cross country tomorrow (I hope to finish a post about this soon- movers are here at the moment) and will have my camera handy. I will probably be off the internets until next Tuesday, when I am supposed to have my cable internets connected to the tubes. My guess is I will see a few McCain stickers in Arizona, and few elsewhere.

I am thinking about keeping a running tab with all the Obama and McCain stickers I see on the trek.

Bradda said...

Kreplech, Abs are the things hiding under those tires around your waist! Zing...

Sal, Totally keep an eye out in 'Zona. That's bat country!

Anonymous said...

Great idea Bradda.. If I find one, I'll shoot it and post it for you. Thanks for the link, bro...

Anonymous said...

I've not seen many so far - that's for sure. I carry my camera everywhere so I'll take photos when I see those stickers and signs. In fact, just tonight, I used my finger as a gun to shoot a McCain sign that was stuck up on a fence. Tomorrow, I'll try to remember to use my camera.

And thank you for the link.

Bradda said...

dcup, I forgot that some of you are photogs, so I seem kind of dumb asking you to bring what you already have. :) No problem with the link, I wanted to share the enjoyment I've been having with others. Thanks for the comments!

Anonymous said...

Instead of taking a picture, can I take a potshot at them with my Glock 19?

And then take a picture of the aftermath?

Bradda said...

fairlane, Only if you can shoot a drunken monkey face in the sign with the whole clip! I definately want to see pics of that shit!

Distributorcap said...

i am gonna take up this challenge -- tho in manhattan (which is around 92% democratic) i will be hard pressed.

Bradda said...

dcap, Right after I posted this I forgot that many of us live in fairly liberal cities. Vote McCain signs are elusive and very skitish creatures.

Dr. Zaius said...

Thanks for the link, Bradda! :o)