On Saturday Barack Obama and John McCain held a presidential forum at the Saddleback Church in CA., which is an evangelical church. At first,I was pretty excited to watch because McCain has been shoving his foot in his mouth lately and I thought he would continue the trend. Alas, in my opinion, he wiped the floor with Obama. I should have seen it coming a mile away but it didn't hit me till after the "show".
Of course McCain came away looking all Reaganesque! It's a freaking evangelical church! Why the fuck would Obama agree to this madness? I understand he was trying to give them a chance to get to know him but I think this "forum" was the wrong way to do it. Obama went into the lion's den and got mauled by an old Muppet. You can be sure that McCain will NOT be engaging Obama in ANY kind of "forums" where the crowd will be 75% pro-Obama like it was Sat. for McCain at the church (Debate at NYU?).
Sure, Barack seemed comfortable and his answers definitely seemed honest and sincere. McCain on the other hand answered quickly and then would use the rest of the time to stump about "issues" he felt would rile up his base. I grew more agitated by the minute every time McCain would start telling stories that had little to do with the question then I remembered that the pastor is certainly a McCain voter and this whole "forum" was set up to make the old fart look good. This had nothing to do with "faith" or God, it was simply a bunch of white evangelicals listening to their man. One guy was wearing a fucking American flag button down shirt for God sake! Classy!
When asked who they would listen to if they won the White House, Obama said Michelle and McCain said Gen. Petraus. When asked what they would do about evil (after the pastor asked if evil was REAL no less), Barack said he'd contain it and McCain? Well, he'd defeat it of course! Obama told stories of his grandmother and his desire to help the poor. McCain told a detailed story about the torture he endured (I thought he said he wasn't going to talk about his POW days!??) and how we need to drill offshore right away. McCain mentioned Reagan multiple times but never Jesus. In sum, McCain came across as the swaggering tough-guy Republican who will defeat bad guys the world over. Barack Obama came across as an intellectual do-gooder who wants to raise your taxes.
This is the same bullshit we've be getting force-fed for the last 15 years or so. In real life, Republicans are macho men who will protect you and have the moral values to lead (I guess dumping your crippled wife for a new, sexier model is morally OK!). Democrats are the effeminate nerds who seem to speak down to people and they all have dominant wives. The media feeds us this gruel nightly. This is why I don't understand what Obama was thinking going into this setting. It only furthered these fake images. I was wondering when Brit Hume was going to jump out from behind the stage, AHA we got you to come on Fox finally!
So my man Obama, do us all a favor! Do not fall into the traps that Gore and Kerry fell into( I KNOW Kerry was a shitty candidate Puddy, that's not the point!). You must begin to fight for this honor to be called TPOTUS. McCain and the lunatic fringe is not going to hand it to you! When you said recently that it almost seems like the Republicans take pride in being ignorant, well that is what I'm talking about! We need more of THAT guy and not the guy I saw on Saturday.
Here's Mr. Moore's guide on how to lose this gimme putt that is an election Mr. Obama. This should be mandatory reading.
Some Fries With Your Stupid, Alina Habba?
Hair Füror’s renowned legal scholar Alina Habba has thoughts: Alina Habba:
"There's a separation of powers for a reason. The executive branch is the
2 hours ago
Hi bradda!
It seems we came away from this feeling the same, McCain cleaned Obama's clock, but with different reasons.
For one thing, the problem Obama has with talking about the issues is that he changes his stance on the issues depending on what crowd he's speaking to. This is a problem in debates, because he's not just speaking to one crowd, but it's televised and he knows there will be plenty of YouTube coverage for the Internet.
I can always tell when Obama will start his tap dancing around a questions, he "uh uh uh's" us to death. It's as if he's trying to think about what side of the fence he's supposed to be on at the moment.
When McCain answered the question about the two people he would heavily depend on in his administration, he mentioned his wife and grandmother...are they going to be in his administration? Will they be making policy for the U.S.? This is exactly what you will be seeing on McCain ads in the future. McCain on the other hand made sure that he mentioned two people that would cover his weaknesses. That was smart thinking.
I thought it was smart of McCain to mention his war experience, it shows that he is aware that war is hell and shouldn't be taken lightly. This is the message he sent and will be accepted by Independents...the group that each candidate needs.
I think one of the problems Obama is having in the debates is that he just can't talk without a teleprompter, like Bush. And most of all, he can't admit that he isn't strong in all the issues, he's inexperienced. He said he would surround himself with people who will help him...an yet who did he cite to be those people? Military experts? Experts on the Economy? No...his wife and grandmother. Pathetic.
I have to say that McCain's performance was stellar and Obama's was typical. I haven't seen any debates where Obama could hold his own. He often would use Hillary's answers and just throw in a few uh uh uh's and change the wording a bit and passed it off as his own. Hillary wasn't there to bail him out this time. I'll lay odds on you that Obama will decide that there will be no debates for the Presidential race, not unless they are moderated by his adoring fan, Keith Olbermann, and not unless he knows what the questions will be first so he can have someone give him the answers upfront.
I'm not saying I'm thrilled with having another Republican as President, but anyone is better than Obama, IMO...a hundred times better.
ME, I agree with you about Obama and the "uh, uh, uh..." and the fact that McCain was right to say he would be listening to Petraus. Obama's answer was a little odd given his lack of foriegn policy experience. I diagree about the war experience. Describing in detail how he was tortured was just playing for sympathy IMO. He could of said that choosing to stay was his hardest decision to make and left it at that. I didn't need the ropes around the neck crap. I also have to respectfully disagree on the Republican over Obama opinion. I would rather a dill pickle running our country over McCain any day! Thanks for sharing ME, your always welcome.
I would pick a fucking empty peanut shell over McLame any day as well. Do you know his abysmal misogynistic voting record on womens' reproductive rights? That's enough for me right there. I've seen McLame enough to see he's a dithering fool and those answers he had were pre-packaged. He can't talk without a teleprompter. I've seen Obama plenty of times give great off-the-cuff answers but usually McLame makes an ass of himself.
I do agree that OBama is flopping around on the issues. He wants to please everyone. Not smart. I wouldnt' be voting for him if the republican candidate wasn't just more shrub. I can't believe anyone wants four more years of this bullshit. With McLame, you're guaranteed it will only get worse.
I guess it really doesn't matter much though because I truly believe the fix is in and McLame will be installed jsut like the shrub was the last 2 times.
Obama is trying to win over people that he can never win over--the nut jobs in McRightWingChurchville so I wonder why he keeps trying. Stupid, it is just stupid. If there are so many people energized to vote and the majority of them are democrats why is he trying to win over crazy idiot people for? It makes no sense unless he WANTS to lose the election.
I completely agree, liberality. He's doing what the dems have been doing to lose elections for years now. Even though the shrub stole both elections, they couldn't have done it unless it was close. And they are doing it again. I've really lost all faith. Get ready for another shitty 4 years and an eventual completion of the already near-shredded Constitution.
I'm not saying that Obama is the answer. I'm saying McLame is an unmitigated disaster waiting to happen.
liberality, Well said. I have had this conversation with a lot of people and they say what you said. He never had a chance with the evangelicals and he never will. Why he went on their stage with their guy is beyond me. Democrats seem to know how to lose and they are getting reall, really good at it.
helen, Always a pleasure! Don't you get too cynical on me now! I'm the cranky old fucker after all! Great point also, people tend to confuse wanting Obama over anything rethuglican as pro-Obama "he'll fix everything!". He just happens to have the "D" next to his name! I gotta go watch KO...
Holy shit, K.O. just called the U.S. is an "embryonic fascist state". That's huge. OK gotta go -- special anti-McLame Special Comment about to be ONNNN!
OUCH!! K.O. just layed waste to McCain! "You need an attitude adjustment SIR", LMFAO. Thank God we have Keith...I need to let that sink in. It will be up as a post as soon as it is available.
I'm glad I didn't watch any of that tripe.
YOu couldn't have paid me to watch that crap either.
Second (third, fourth) what Liberality said.
Can we go for the throat now Obama? Please?
Because a McCain presidency would be a disaster for this country of epic proportions.
After looking around at post-forum commentary, the PUMAs and other people are really using this against him. It was a huge mistake. If the dems want to win they better get ahold of neocon tricks like that. How goddamn stupid are they? Why did Obama walk right into the lion's den to appeal to folks that would never vote for him anyway? I just don't get it.
i was too dim to boycott the damned thing.
at least i didn't watch it alone though... well, that is to say that there was another person in the room as i watched...
but bradda couldn't stop shouting obscenities at mccain long enough to hear any of it!!!
so i guess i watched it alone...
puddy is there something you aren't telling us?
Later reportage of the Event at the church leads one to believe that McCain was prepped on the questions that would be asked... a NY Times report....
McCain is the same crap... as Bush.
Watch him with his 'radio' connection during the 'next' debates.
ME....//the questions will be first so he can have someone give him the answers upfront.//
...that seems to be precisely what McCain did.
It's the same as shrubby's back-mic incident indeed! Those neocons sure like them some cheatin'!
Helen, I gotta put you on the payroll now! The pay is three mini Snickers bars a day plus a bonus of four green Jellybeans if you comment more than 6 times in opne post!! You RULE...
I'm in a rant-worthy mode Bradda!! I can't stand that Obama did this stupid forum! But now I understand why:
This explains a lot
OH yeah and PAY UP!
I can't afford it right now Helen, poker's been killin me. If you change your name to FrannieWheels the government will bail you out!
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