Monday, September 15, 2008

Jill Greenberg makes McCain even creepier...

To follow up Rob's post Sunday post, here's a link to the Animal New York article that describes Jill Greenberg's photoshoot and liberal-conscience-inspired creativity with McCoffinDodger's likeness.

Here's a great clip from the article:

Although pundits are already lashing out against her "unprofessional" behavior—including the Atlantic editor who wrote the cover story— Greenberg is adamantly unapologetic, telling PDN it's the magazine's fault for not properly vetting her. "Some of my artwork has been pretty anti-Bush, so maybe it was somewhat irresponsible for them [The Atlantic] to hire me."

Ladies and Gents...... the money shot:

Ahhh, what the heck... here's another:

Jill Greenberg's professional site:


Unconventional Conventionist said...

Oy, izzat an ugly mug!

puddy said...

i get shpilkies from this shmendrik's ponem.