Monday, September 29, 2008

McCain asks the most important question of this election cycle:

Q: McCain: Is that a pizza place?
A: ?

I have no idea what that was in reference to or whom he was asking? Maybe he really did want pizza....but then, one must ask, why not specify a particular kind of pizza? Why leave us guessing? What kind of pizza might McCain want?


Dick Tremayne said...

I love how Palin tries to convince Katie that she's not gonna reveal our secret plan on terror as if she'd have any idea of what it was.

Shimoner said...

Just another reason why not to vote for these douchbags!

alzaido alzaido said...

So a lot of people are going to vote for these guys. HOLY SHIT!

Kup said...

Thursday should be interesting...My money is on Palin winning, for all she has to do is complete one sentence and she will beat expectations.

Dick Tremayne said...

"Is that a pizza place?" is code for: follow the Maverick's lead and smile.

Randal Graves said...

"Wow, John McCain likes pizza. Just like me!"

Kup said...

Randal- I like pizza too....But what the fuck was he talking about? I am depressed because I think he mustt have tried to make a point that I just don't get, and I can't have McTurd going around being smarter than me.

Go Dolphins!

Michael Hart said...

You obviously don't watch news 27/7. WTF is wrong with you? McMelanoma was referring to the pizza joint Flailin was in when she launched a pre-emptive attack on his comments to Obama during the debate. You should know that a question from a mere pizza joint employee/voter is "gotcha MF" journalism, and therefore nullifies her asinine comment.