Friday, September 19, 2008

I am an Idiot

Dang, I'm dumb. I haven't been living within my means. I have a mortgage. Even dumber, I can afford my monthly payments. I should have gotten more house. Uncle Sam would help me and the stank ass company that gave me the bad loan.

So this week our glorious country works towards the half trillion dollar bailout. Gonna save our financial institutions. Gonna save our economy. Gonna save our country. Gonna write another humongous blank check. Gonna finally boost our gross national debt over 10 trillion dollars!

The thing that really pisses me off the most is how the elitist upper crust has screwed us, our children, and our great (to the 20th power) grand children. These crooks were so greedy that stealing all of our country's current wealth was not enough. They figured out how to rape our entire economy for decades to come, and they are charging us tax payers with the bill (Isn't that how Palin handles rape too?) Big business took control of all three branches of our government. Remember the big corporate collapses of the early George W. Bush years? Remember W.'s tough talk about holding corporate big wigs accountable? Remember how he pardoned his corporate buddies? Remember how the administration spent more money then any other administration in the history of our country? W. will take care of his pals once again. CEO's and other upper administration folks will be receiving nice cushy severance packages. Aren't you happy that we get to help these criminals keep their multiple mansions?

I really do understand why we must bail out our corporations. I understand the bipartisan effort to save our economy. But let's do it right. Let's put these terrorists in prison. Put W. and party, and the other corporate terrorists in Guantanamo Bay. We can work on prosecuting them after we save our country.

I have the TV on in the background as I type this. A new McCain ad just aired. McCain claims to have taken on tougher guys then our corporations before. He is completely BONKERS!


dguzman said...

You took the words out of my mouth on this one (guess I'm an idiot too?). I too understand that we can't just let these bloated moneylaundering corporations fall, seeing as how they're the basis of our corporatocracy. But for god's sake, BUST these bastards! They've basically been getting away with financial murder since the 80s, and they need to PAY.

Kup said...

Ditto- I am getting to the point where I am becoming speechless. This bailout is probably going to cost over a trillion dollars soon. And you are right, they have figured out a way to not just steal from us, but to steal from any future generations we may produce. Fart...

Randal Graves said...

Bail 'em out and jack the higher tax rates back to the way they were, 70%+. Hey, if you hate having such a higher tax rate, you're free to move into a lower income bracket.

Oh, and slash the motherfucking hell out of the military budget while you're at it. Less worldwide douchebaggery, less need for planes and bombs and all that explode-y Rambo crap.

Anonymous said...

The GOP is a cancer that's nearly killed this country. And yet the denial rages on. Simply amazing.

Comrade Kevin said...

It is greed, pure and simple, that's driving this mess. When we find a greed regulatory board that can circumvent human nature, then things like this won't happen anymore.

As much as I despise our economic system when it does things like this, I know we've got to come up with something better to replace it.

Anonymous said...

Regulation and busting up monopolies worked really well until RayGun came in & blasted that all to hell.

Reason said...

So far nobody has touched on my favorite part of this mess.

Bush and McCain have expended a lot of energy this past year cheering about how great the American economy is doing. The middle class have been losing homes at record rates, but who cared? The unemployment rate has been soaring higher and higher; so what? Average Americans have been experiencing massive paycuts and reduction from full time to part time unemployment. Simultaneously, gas prices, food prices, and utility prices have all been skyrocketing. Not a problem; the economy is sound, wonderful, really! Any perceived problems with the economy are fictional, all in your head.

But now that rich folk are in danger of losing money...

Anonymous said...

Reason, holy shit how timely, because go see the post I just put up... I had a little remindin' to dooooo....