Monday, July 28, 2008

New MoveOn Obama Ad:

In case you didn't see this, I thought I would pass it along:

Do ye think this will be effective?


Bradda said...

They need to give the "hope" thing a rest and show us some real solutions. By the way, that dude holding the chicken is named Rider Strong. For real. Best real life porn name EVER!

puddy said...

bradda - i too "hope" they come up with a better angle.

SagaciousHillbilly said...

I love it! I have hope for the first time in decades!
Oh, and being a poultry farmer, I approve this add!

Kup said...

I am with sagacious on this one. I like the ad, and I don't think it will hurt Obama at all. Just my 2 cents....

Anonymous said...

I think the ad will appeal to the general populace but it makes me want to hurl a little bit. Too cheesy.