Friday, April 18, 2008

Colbert, Edwards with Ed-Word!

(Video Updated)

Tonight's Colbert Report was amazing. I really dug John Edwards doing "the word". Enjoy.


puddy said...

that was great. thanks for posting. john is one good-lookin hunk of democrat. what i would do to have that hair...

Bradda said...

I do kind of lose myself in his swagger and musk.

Kup said...

Make me three.

.e. said...

Well, so much for viewing the viddy. I guess I'm the only one who dislikes Edwards.

Bradda said...

Why wouldn't you view the the video E? Why do you dislike Edwards?

Kup said...

E, you do not dislike Edwards.

.e. said...

John Edwards is a hypocrite. No doubt, we have all heard his campaign theme about the “Two Americas”, but which America is he a part of? He just had built a 28,000 SF extravagant mansion on a 100 acre private estate. I’ll be the first to say that I have no problems with self-made wealth. But when you talk about the “Two Americas” and preach about disparity of wealth, well I find a 28,000 SF mansion to be a tad gaudy. Sure, as a personal injury trial lawyer, John Edwards would help the little guy out, but only if he could make a million dollars out of it.

Couple that with his decision to continue on the campaign trail after his wife was diagnosed with cancer. Certainly, that is a personal decision to be made by the two of them. But the campaign trail is grueling. There is no rest 24/7. Not much time to spend with your ailing wife. Priorities are a little out of wack.

.e. said...

I didn't view the video before because it was down. I just watched the video repost.

Bradda said...

E if you had mad money from working your ass off would you live in a single bedroom? I'm not saying you have to have a mansion but to judge a guy on his house buying, haircut bills...etc, is a bit petty. The guy was fighting against the corporate strangle hold on our government. I can't argue with that.

Anonymous said...

Well well well. Why wait so long for this "endorsement"? Really makes it seem a little suspect. Not sure it means much at this point because of that anyway.

puddy said...

anon - please do elaborate. what seems suspect to you? i think eddy was just looking to strengthen the dem party - any support earlier may have been cast in a counterproductive manner. it may be a bit pragmatic (rather than "suspect") but aren't politics a bit pragmatic altogether?