Here's where we are my friends. An Illinois Nazi, er Rep., chewed an atheist a new asshole for speaking his mind. She claimed his views were "dangerous for our children to even know that they exist". We have local, state and federal "representatives" that are completely out of their minds when it comes to separation of church and state. Our government, across the board, is littered with evangelical crazies. How did these nut bags get positions of public office? Are there that many end of times, fundamentalist fruit loops out there? I guess both answers are yes there are. This IS the war of civilizations that GWB has been raving about! It's them against us, people who believe a book as the reason for everything that has ever been as opposed to people who rely on facts and science. I realize this state representative is a small nut to crack but we need to crack them all. Like Bush tells us, these people need to be defeated. Home schooling your child to believe in the Bible and nothing else is child abuse. This is how our beloved country has been taken over by ideological lunatics. Teach them ridiculous bullshit and have them breed many times over and then you end up with a society of racist, ignorant and retarded people. Madness ensues. It's time to clean the toilet bowl and once again bask in the glory of our real country.
Here is why I'm so pissed off. These people have NO business in our government.
UPDATE: Tuesday: Rep. Monique Davis is going to be today's Worst Person in the World on Countdown for her tirade linked above. Good to see Keith reads the blogs as I have not heard or seen this story ANY where near the MSM other than Countdown. She beat out Bill Orally and Ann Coulter to win the "award". Well played madam.
Your Sunday Morning Prop Noise
Take a flight with a Sopwith Pup.
You'll notice that engine control is via a "blip switch"
27 minutes ago
these are the google sponsored ads that came with Bradda's last post:
May We Pray For You?
OurPrayer Ministry will create a prayer by belief, name and need.
My Son is Gay?
One woman's struggle with her son's homosexuality and God's answer.
Well, so much for the country of free thinking and free beliefs. In the USA people should be able to believe in what ever they want, but they should not verbalize their opinions unless they are Jewish or Christian, right? No wait; there is that freedom of speech thing too. Bradda, I think you hit the nail on the head, the problem lies in people brain washing their children which results in perpetual brain washing, which results in intolerance, ignorance, and stupidity on a dangerous level.
Jake, nice pick up. I was too blinded with rage to see anything else.
Alzaido, that was my whole point. I believe in freedom of religion and all that but is there an invisible line that can't be crossed? When does the government, state or federal, have the right to step in and say you are not allowed to teach your kid that man existed with dinosaurs.
Here's a direct link to the audio in which Representative Davis completely loses her shit before the foreman tells Sherman he can't respond to any of what she just yelled at him... Ridiculous.
Open debate in government? I think not Rob. Yelling one's retarded opinions is the only way to be heard nowadays. Don't worry about backing up your statements because no one can retort. Sad.
Excuse me, but I believe the proper spelling of Ann's name is CuntHair. Frankly, I find the lack of journalistic responsibility in the blog world to be disgusting.
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