Friday, October 10, 2008

Guess the Number

I am going to say that the big 30 on the NYSE will fall 475 points today. Anyone else want to take a guess? Person who gets it closest gets a free bike courtesy of Puddy.


Randal Graves said...

I'll pretend you said bag instead of bike.

Chimpy said he feels anxiety, and Chimpy is always reassuring. 300 points.

themom said...

are we talking the "closing bell?" I say down 240!

Hawa Bond said...

For closing bell: Down 335

= = = = = =
Give to classroom projects in high-poverty public schools via DonorsChoose 2008: Friends of Fackin Truth Blog (Participating via the AfroSpear with Black Bloggers for Education).

Dick Tremayne said...

470. I'm an optimist.

Dick Tremayne said...

Down... so that I'm clear.

themom said...

you may be close on this one - it's near 3 pm and down -486...ouch!!

Kup said...

now its up...i hope im wrong.

themom said...

hell, i was closer on my initial guess!