Its been a while... and a lot has happened since my last post. Among those events:
- Sal "the Butcher" emailing me everyday to complain about Blogger's new blogroll which we've incorporated on the right.
- Sal "the Butcher" insulting PBR and PBR lovers everywhere despite the well-documented fact that Pabst Blue Ribbon is Barack Obama's favorite beer.
- David Letterman's revenge.
- The Illiterate Electorate once again turning into a site consisting of mostly links and videos and very little user-generated content (this statement does not apply to everyone, Dick).
But to me, the most impressive thing that has happened is the complete turn-around of FUX NEWS. Look, I am a red-blooded MSNBC fan. I appreciate what Olbermann does and I adore Rachel Maddow... but, to be honest, I feel like I could write MSNBC's script at this point. This is no shot at MSNBC, just the effect of having watched their campaign coverage for WAY too long.
So, I cheat.
I've been turning on FUX NEWS quite often to get a peek at what I expect to be a republican bloodbath. Guess what? These morons are bashing McCain almost as much as we are. Last week I saw Brit Hume's enormous head ripping McCain for his complete lack of legitimate policy content... and just last night Bill O'Reilly was defending Obama against some twit's obsession with Bill Ayers. O'Reilly even went so far as to say he believes Obama's statements on the issue!
Up is down left is right and cats love dogs!
Look, I don't know what comes next in this crazy campaign. I mean, Obama's leading in Virginia after all. But FUX NEWS rallying the base against John McCain? No sir, didn't see that one coming.
Please, somebody explain this strange world to me...
Sal is a butcher? Dude, get me a good deal on dead cow parts.
Beer sucks. Drink wine. Vive la France, Yankee pigdogs!
Don't worry, all the crackers will crawl out of the slime to give McFuck a win in Virginia and Ohio and such.
I can't begin to explain the world, but I do find it fascinating. A first term congresswoman from Minnesota urges a return to the glory days of McCarthy while the America & Palin-loving citizens of St. Clairsville, Ohio, pour their racist hearts out to a reporter from Al Jazeera.
Is this a freaked out world, or what?
The only important thing coming next is the "Us" versus "Them" moment on November 4th. Are there more racist, fascist dumb-fucks with suffrage in America than there are educated, true values-aware Americans?
Unceasing exposure of bigotry and racism can make open minds susceptible to the truth of the ugliness of those sick "values." Love, and all it entails, is stronger than hate.
We can show the world that love is stronger than hate this election day.
Good looking out for us poor kids drinking PBR Puddy!! About time somebody else told Sal to go suck a dick...
Oh yea.....since you guys went all democratic finally...are we going to get a live blog from Warshington? Doctorate's don't mean you can't lie. I'm just sayin...
Bradda- Did you know that Tina Fey is not really Sarah Palin? I'm just sayin...
Bradda- How many times have you said, on the record, that you were never coming back to this site again, and yet, here you troll, time and time again...I'n just sayin...
Obama chooses PBR?? I shall faint. That's the sort of rot we drink--I call it "Dad beer," it's the stuff of which my father and his cronies would imbibe. If ivy-league Obama is drinking PBR, I feel redeemed in the bar department.
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